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Modern and Medieval Languages: E-Resources


In this section, you will find key electronic resources and databases recommended for your studies. Select a language from the left-hand side menu to get more information on recommended e-resources.

The main way to find e-resources is to use iDiscover. There are many library guides that contain tips and advice on using iDiscover, CamGuides and Wolfson College Academic Skills among them. There is also a step-by-step explanation on using iDiscover in the quick guides to iDiscover

The ebooks@cambridge LibGuide will provide you with full information on finding, accessing, using and citing ebooks.

Finally, you can search a list of A-Z Databases: it is a list of electronic resources that Cambridge University subscribes to, including resources opened up for COVID-19.

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What students say


With thanks to:

#1 Deepa Iyer (MPhil International Development)

#2 and 5 Anya Melkina (MPhil Japanese Studies)

#3 and 6 Tooshan Srivastava (MPhil Education)

#4 Nicole Tamer (MPhil Linguistics)

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