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Modern and Medieval Languages: Italian

Curated resources: Italian

In this section, you will find a selection of cultural and language-learning online resources for the study of Italian curated by your subject librarian. Most of these resources are open and accessible to all. 

If you are aware of other useful resources we should add to this list, do get in touch with your subject librarian.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Hélène Fernandes
MMLL Library
University of Cambridge
Sidgwick Avenue
01223 335014

Resources in Cambirdge

The Language Centre on the Downing Site provides a wide range of Italian language learning materials, including live access to the Italian television channel Rai Uno. In addition, programmes broadcast during the evening on this channel are recorded for viewing on the following day. You will also be able to watch selected programmes or extracts (in digital form) on a computer terminal by logging on to the relevant Language Centre facility.

The University Library has excellent holdings in Italian subject areas. You will find full details of the Italian Collections on their website. The UL contains a great deal that cannot be found elsewhere in Cambridge, and regular use of it will much enhance your learning experience.

College Libraries vary in their holdings of Italian books. However, College Librarians are usually willing to buy books on student recommendation when supported by a member of the Department.

Other libraries you may wish to use at some point in your studies of Italian are the Art History Library in Scroope Terrace, and the Faculty Libraries of English and History, on the Sidgwick Site, which all of which have holdings of Italian-related material.

The Italian Society

At a less formal level, you will be able to maximise your contact with Italian life, language and culture by supporting the student-run Italian Society, which holds regular social and cultural events, ranging from screenings of Italian-language films to samplings of Italian food and wine. For more information, go to the stall at the Freshers’ Fair at the beginning of the Michaelmas term or look in your C.U.S.U. handbook.

Online resources for language learning

In this extensive list of resources you will find useful guides on language learning, Italian literature and culture, and information servers. You will also find links to online media, newspapers and photographic archives that might be of use.

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