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Modern and Medieval Languages: French

Curated resources: French

In this section, you will find a selection of cultural and language-learning online resources for the study of French curated by your subject librarian. Most of these resources are open and accessible to all. 

If you are aware of other useful resources we should add to this list, do get in touch with your subject librarian.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Hélène Fernandes
MMLL Library
University of Cambridge
Sidgwick Avenue
01223 335014

Resources in Cambridge

The University Library is one of the five copyright libraries in the U.K., and provides excellent facilities for French studies. Most books relating to French literature are located on North Wing 5. Finding books can take a little time, until you become used to the system. Within the stacks, books are arranged according to one of four sizes (a, b, c, d) as well as to subject, and bound periodicals are separated from other books.

The Language Centre, in Downing Place, provides access to satellite TV, as well as a very wide range of other material in French: grammatical courses, including Computer-Aided Language Learning material; pronunciation exercises; general listening and viewing material, etc. Recordings are made each evening from French TV for private viewing throughout the week. There are also copies of French films.

Online Resources

See the extensive list of online resources for learning French in context. In this list, you will find a range of podcasts, materials on French and Francophone literature, thinkers and philosophers, French and Francophone history and culture, cinema and arts, as well as examples of CVs in French. You will also see recommended online resources for French language and scheduled papers.

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