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Modern and Medieval Languages: Study Support

Study support

In this section, you will find information about the support you can get from MMLL Library, and from other places in Cambridge. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the MMLL Library team - we are here to help!

We want the MMLL Library to be a safe, welcoming place and for students to feel they can come here for anything from an impending essay crisis to help with using the library catalogue.

So we offer a range of sessions, activities and resources to make your time at Cambridge as productive and relaxing as we can.


CamGuides are designed to prepare you for your studies before you arrive, but they are also applicable throughout your time at the University. They cover topics such as finding resources, using software and academic skills. Refer to them as and when you need guidance.

Undergraduate LibGuide

Postgraduate LibGuide


If you need help with the transition from school to University, the University has set up Transkills, providing you with subject specific resources, as well as resources for undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and staff:

Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre

If you have a condition that is affecting your ability to do your studies, contact the ADRC:

You will find a range of assistive technology at the University Library from height-adjustable desks and video magnifiers, to screen reading facilities and portable induction loops:

Please contact us if you feel you need extra support with obtaining books, different formats of readings, loan periods, proxy borrowing and printing. We may be able to request for you the articles and chapters you need in different formats through Bookshare.

The University of Cambridge is committed to accessibility in every element of your University experience:


The University provides a wealth of information on the student wellbeing page, covering all aspects of wellbeing, both physical and mental wellbeing:

Download the NHS-certified student self care app:

If you are struggling, don't hesitate to use the student counselling service, or for more urgent help, go to your college nurse.

When you need help or someone to talk to after hours during termtime, contact Nightline.

Take advantage of the mindfulness courses provided by the University:

Our library has a humble wellbeing collection of books, on mental health conditions to sleep problems, on resilience to yoga. Have a look in the Q section on the ground floor (the overview of the titles is available in the MMLL Library wellbeing reading list). The University also provides access to a vast number of ebooks and useful resources - check out the Wellbeing ebook collection for more information.

If you find libraries don't contribute to your wellbeing, or you need to study in a different atmosphere, check out Spacefinder to find the place in Cambridge that suits you and your needs.

Library skills for effective study

The MMLL Library team offers a variety of teaching sessions throughout the year. There is a list on the website:

These sessions cover different areas of information literacy and are designed to make your studies, research and work more efficient.

Time Management for Effective Studying runs in the Michaelmas and Lent terms, introducing you to tools and techniques that will help you organise and prioritise your workload.

Instead of writing your own citations, references and bibliographies, there is software that does it for you. Zotero is one such software and the team will get you started in Lent term, showing you how to install it, integrate it into your browser, save items to your online library, use the Word add-in and create those references.

The Beyond Reading Lists sessions in the Michaelmas and Lent terms, with one each that focuses on your language specialism, will guide you in using the subject-specific resources, develop effective search skills and navigate your topic to deepen your research. Our language specialists can provide specific support and you can find their details in the individual language pages in this LibGuide.

Finally, in our collection, you will find a number of books that can help you improve your study skills, from books in the wellbeing section to help you manage information overload, to study skills handbooks in the general Z section.

Referencing support

The library provides a number of referencing 101 teaching sessions during the Lent and Easter terms:, but also feel free to drop in to the library.

For all the answers to your referencing questions, use the Cite Them Right database. Or if you prefer it in print, we have the 10th edition and the 9th edition.

Let software do the referencing for you by using Zotero or Mendeley. The library also puts on a Zotero session during Lent term.

To find out more about the University of Cambridge’s view on plagiarism and good academic practice, as well as further advice on how and when to reference, visit the guidance pages.

Year Abroad help

Students who have completed the year abroad, from the MMLL and AMES faculties, have created a series of welfare resources on the CUSU page:

Come to our year abroad session before you leave to find out how we can support you, or take a look at the presentation.

We can:

  • Email you scanned chapters and articles of print books / journals, in compliance with copyright law
  • Buy ebooks that you need
  • Provide remote help to access and use databases

Prepare yourself by getting to know the electronic resources:

Use Lean Library to show you if the University has access to articles and chapters you need:

Support in Cambridge

The Student Union may not be the first place you think of, but they can be a great port of call for advice about anything. You can find out more on the CUSU website:

We understand if you prefer not to go to your senior tutor, course team or anyone at your faculty or college, for whatever reason. For support in all areas of academic life, as well as about mental health and welfare issues, contact the Student Advice Service:

The Black Advisory Hub hosts a range of resources to support students, including academic, welfare, financial and career suuport.

Take advantage of what the University provides, in terms of extra-curricular activities, but also the ways in which the University looks to develop all its students personally as professionally:

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