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Modern and Medieval Languages: How we're keeping you safe

How we're keeping you safe

The safety of our library users and our library staff has always been our most important consideration and, even before COVID, we worked hard to ensure that our library users have a safe and positive experience when using the MMLL Library. We're taking significant steps to ensure that this continues, whether we're working or studying, borrowing books or collecting books.

How you use the library might be a little bit different this year, but we want you to feel confident that the MMLL Library remains a safe place to be. Here are some of the steps we're taking to ensure this.

1) We're asking you to wear a face covering and adopt excellent hand hygiene

Unless you have a medical exemption, we'll still recommend you to wear a face covering when you're in the library. We'll also provide lots of hand sanitiser.

2) We're keeping some windows open in the library space, and use CO2 monitors

This is to ensure good air ventilation in compliance with safety guidelines. If you see the CO2 monitor turning yellow or red, please follow the guidelines (you can find them next to a monitor).

So that we don't exceed our maximum capacity, and so we can contact you if we learn that a library user tested positive for COVID-19, everyone who comes into the library will have to book first. This will be really simple, and you won't have to book far in advance.

3) We've introduced new services...

To ensure that as many of you as possible have access to the library and a safe experience while you're here, we've developed new types of 'access':

  • Set up a virtual appointment with your language specialist to get study support

More details about all of these services are available on 'Using the MMLL Library' and 'Welcome to 2021/22' pages, including the links to the booking forms.

4) ...and (regrettably) ceased some old ones

Our wellbeing activities program, such as crafts and yoga sessions, have been temporarily suspended. We hope to renew our activities when it is safe to do so, as we know how much you enjoy them!

We are hoping to provide you with the materials and services you need in the safest way possible. So please don't hesitate to contact us in case you experience difficulties with access to materials or have any questions.

If you are self-isolating

What to do about MMLL books if you are self-isolating An image of the MMLL Library window, with plants on the windowseal. "If you are self-isolating" text is in the top part of the image

We are very aware that at times many of our students will need to self-isolate, and that this might cause you undue stress. While under no circumstances should you come to the library if you are self-isolating, we will do our best to ensure that you have the resources you need if you are well and able to study. Our key message is that you should contact us and let us know what you need.

If you are in need of printed materials, we may be able to send them direct to your college, if it is safe for you to collect them there. This may not always be possible depending on demand on our services.

If you have books or DVDs on loan and you cannot return them because you are self-isolating, do not worry. You will not be fined or penalised in any way for late return of books or DVDs. If, however, a book you have on loan is requested by another library user and you cannot return it because you are self isolating, please contact usso that we can help the other library user access what they need.

If you wish to ask a friend to borrow books on your behalf, please just let us know. We'll be able to sort this out for you, but we can't issue books to your library account without your express permission.

If you need help with anything else, please contact us.


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