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Modern and Medieval Languages: Reading Lists

Reading lists

In this section, you will find information and advice on accessing the reading lists for your courses.

Where to find reading lists

Depending on your course, you will find reading lists in a range of locations. CamGuides provide you with an excellent introduction on reading lists and their use in Cambridge.

Reading lists are available on Moodle - a virtual learning environment that you will have access to with your Raven login.

You can access interactive lists via Reading Lists Online. These contain links to online resources, and to the iDiscover catalogue records for print items. See this handy guide on how to find Reading Lists Online in Moodle.

Finally, be sure to check your course handbook or website - readings might be available there in .pdf or .doc format.

How reading lists work

Reading lists in Moodle in any form will follow the course structure, and will be usually divided by topics. You will find that the books and articles available online are linked in the reading list, so that you can access them easily. Also, scanned chapters or extracts from print books and journals are available to read and download.

If your reading list is available through Reading Lists Online, you will be able to filter for essential items, search for a specific item, and export a list into a bibliography. See this guide on how to use Reading Lists Online.

What students say


With thanks to:

Eloise (English)

Jesse (Medicine)

Dhruv (Human, Social, and Political Sciences)

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