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Education Library: Research Methods: Archival Research

"Archival research is an easy methodology to overlook in our rush to produce new research that sparkles with originality. However, archives allow for foundation-level reassessments of long-held truths in our fields, fundamental reassessments of what we have held to be valuable and what we have held to be trivial, and the production of new insights that grow from the purest form possible of a corpus of evidence. Whether you are reconstructing research that has been profoundly influential, pushing at the boundaries of our field, or sharing analysis of materials that few of your readers will ever get to handle themselves, a visit to the archives offers approaches to research that are unlikely to be available in any other aspect of your career." Joe Sutliff Sanders, 2022


Journal Articles - to get you started!

Gaillet, L. (2012). (Per)Forming archival research methodologies. College Composition and Communication, 64(1), 35-58.
Simultaneously a summary of conventional thinking about archival research and a call for new ways of thinking.

Roulston, K. (2019). Using archival data to examine interview methods: The case of the former slave project. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18.
Suggestions for how to absorb, catalogue, and perceive patterns in large bodies of archival data.

Tesar, M. (2015). Ethics and truth in archival research. History of Education, 44(1), 101-114.
Careful thoughts about how to handle sensitive information that is uncovered in archives. Given that archival research sometimes unearths explosive truths, this topic is significant.



A very generous webinar led by professional librarians that defines archival research and outlines common challenges.

A lengthy research methods introduction including creative suggestions on when archives can be useful as well as advice on finding an appropriate archive.

An exploration of the consequences of deciding what does and does not go into an archive.

A powerful first-person recollection about whose history matters and how archives can obscure the privilege bound up with documentation.

Useful reminders of the emotions that can arise during archival research and how to centre research on compassion.

If you need help finding material for your research, please just contact us:

Sage Research Methods

"Sage Research Methods provides access to more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences and includes the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher."


Thanks to Joe Sutliff Sanders for helping to source the content for this tab and for providing the annotations to the journal articles.

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