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Modern and Medieval Languages: Print Collections

MMLL Library print collections

In this section, you will find information on what print and DVD collections the MMLL Library holds and how to access them. If you have any questions about our print collections, please contact the MMLL Library or your Subject librarian.

Print books and journals

The MMLL Library exists primarily to support teaching and learning in European languages, literatures and cultures, in linguistics and in film studies. We have more than 100,000 books and more than 5,000 films, as well as European magazines and newspapers. We have a small collection of scholarly print journals on the second floor. We have a selection of wellbeing books, to help manage your stress, learn more about yourself and provide self-care, and an outstanding general section of theory books, study skills, and reference books. All language sections are also supported by their own reference section. We also have graphic novels in a variety of languages, a collection that we are actively developing.

MMLL Library map

Watch this short tour to get an overview of the MMLL Library collections!

Finding materials by classmark

All materials in the MMLL Library are labeled by classmark, which is a combination of letters and numbers, often separated by dots (for example, R7.TOLS.1, L24A.B.54, etc.).

When you search for an item in iDiscover, it will display the item location (the library it is in) and its classmark.

Image of an iDiscover screen, "The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonetics" title. Red arrow points to the item description: "Available at: Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistcs Library" and "L9A.J.7" (book classmark)


When you click on the link showing availability ("Available at..."), you will access more information about the item.

Image of an iDiscover screen, "The Bloomsbury Companion to Phonetics" title. Red arrows point to the item description: "Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistcs Library, 1 copy, 1 available" and "L9A.J.7" (book classmark)

Classmarks of the items correspond to the specific language or subject collection in the library - you can download a floor guide that will show you the first letter for each collection. If the item classmark starts with zero, it is a referencing item, and it cannot be borrowed.

Special collections

The Beit Library, on the third floor of the MMLL Library, was founded by a donation from Sir Otto John Beit (1865-1930) and celebrated its centenary in November 2013. The Library is especially strong on the history of the German language and on literature of the classical period (notably Goethe) and of the nineteenth century. It also includes books on philosophy, history, art and a major collection of reference works. It is open to readers during MMLL Library opening hours.

The Reserve Room contains a good selection of books pre-1900 in most of the languages supported by the library. 

The library holds more than 5,000 DVDs. The collection was initiated to support the teaching and learning of the Centre for Film and Screen, located within the Faculty, but has grown substantially from that initial remit into a complete research collection on Film and TV Studies. 

Newspapers and magazines

You can find newspapers and magazines in the library lobby. They are reference only, so not borrowable. The Library subscribes to numerous periodicals, such as:

  • Film studies: Sight & Sound, Cineaste
  • French: L'Orbs Magazine
  • Spanish: Cambio 16, Letras Libres
  • Italian: L'Espresso
  • German: Der Spiegel, Die Zeit
  • Ukrainian: Критика
  • Russian: Собеседник

The University subscribes to a vast number of electronic databases and e-journals - please check the 'E-Resources' page and iDiscover. If you have queries regarding the print newspapers and magazines held by the MMLL Library, please email us.

Past exam papers, reports, student works collection

MMLL Library holds print copies of past exam papers and examiners' reports. You can also easily access them on Moodle (see below).

You can access electronic versions of Year Abroad projects and Optional Dissertations via the Google drive (you will need to login with your Raven details, using [your CRSID] as your email address).

Please contact us if you need to access specific examples of student works.

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