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Education Library: Referencing Guide APA 7th: Managing your References

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  Or you can book a 1:1 appointment with a member of the Library Team


Unsure which source type to use?
Sometimes the distinctions between source types can be ambiguous, in which case consistency is the most important thing. If a source could be defined as more than one source type then a judgement is needed to choose which format to use and you then need to be consistent throughout your work to make sure all other similar sources are referenced the same way. 

Zotero Guide

For support with Zotero see the Education Library Zotero Guide.


Other referencing management tools

The Education Library Team provide support for Zotero. If you are using other reference management software, see the links to further guidance and online tutorials below.


EndNote Guide from Cambridge Libraries Study Skills

Online tutorials Provided by Thomas Reuters

Downloading EndNote Cambridge Computing Service

EndNote  Advice from Monash University Library

Word Referencing Tool (not the Zotero plug in)

Microsoft Support Guide:

Please be aware that if you are using this Microsoft Word Referencing Tool there may be instances where you need to manually edit your in-text citations in order to comply with APA 7th


Mendeley Guide from Cambridge Libraries Study Skills

Online Tutorials  provided from Mendeley website

Quick User Guide (PDF) provided from Mendeley website

Mendeley Support Centre - Changes to Mendeley December 2020 

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