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Education Library: Referencing Guide APA 7th: General Information & Index

APA is the referencing style supported by the Faculty, however in certain circumstances other referencing systems can be used (please check with your supervisor for clarification). Support for styles such as MLA can be found on the Cite them Right website.

Please note, APA referencing style does not support the use of ibid, footnotes or endnotes. 

Index of reference types

Find your reference type in the index below. Note the tab information indicated with each reference type. The first section is the main tab to look for on the page. The section(s) after the arrow indicate the specific section within the main one.

When you click the link, navigate to the indicated location on the page.

Scroll through the list to find the source type you need or use the A-Z below to jump to the relevant section.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

How to use this guide

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Unsure which source type to use?
Sometimes the distinctions between source types can be ambiguous, in which case consistency is the most important thing. If a source could be defined as more than one source type then a judgement is needed to choose which format to use and you then need to be consistent throughout your work to make sure all other similar sources are referenced the same way. 

Using Zotero?

See our Zotero Guide for guidance on downloading and using Zotero.


Additional guidance & useful links

Cite Them Right  - access to examples of how to cite a wide range of sources, covering a range of referencing styles

APA Style Blog - examples of how to cite the most common works in APA 7th Style

Instructional guides to introduce the APA Style and provide a brief overview of specific topics

Acknowledgements & Reuse

The Creative Commons license grants you permission to copy this guide, in part or in its entirety, as a template in your own LibGuides system as long as you credit the Faculty of Education Library, University of Cambridge, on your copy.

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