Audiovisual references are covered in Section 10.12 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition with audio works covered in section10.13. The format of your reference is based on whether the work stands alone, such as a Film, whole TV Series etc or is part of a set such as an episode in a TV Series, song on a music album etc.
Copies of the APA Publication Manual are held in the Faculty Library - Check iDiscover for availability.
The author is determined by the source type, please see the specific examples.
Description of source = The format of the reference stays the same for all audiovisual sources with a description of the work in square brackets after the title information, e.g. [Film].
In-text Citations: Follow standard Author/Year format - For further guidance see the In-Text Citations page
For further guidance given on the APA Blog
How to reference...
General guidance
Author - include their role in round brackets after the name
Film = Director(s) and Producers if known. Roles given in (round brackets)
Educational Films = Host or Guest expert (if a video in a series)
Description of source = The format of the reference stays the same for all audiovisual sources with a description of the work in square brackets after the title information, e.g. [Film]
Special releases/extended editions = Include any additional information in the description after a semi colon e.g [Film; four disc special extended edition] or [Film; educational tutorial]
In-Text citations Use standard author/date for in-text citations
Reference list entry
Surname, INITIALS. (Role). (Date of distribution). Title [Description]. Production Company or Institution (if more than one separate with a semi colon). URL (if accessed online via video streaming)
Adamson, A., Jenson, V. (Directors). (2001). Shrek [Film; extended edition on DVD]. DreamWorks.
Jackson, P. (Director). (2001). The lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring [Film; four disc special extended edition]. WingNut Films; New Line Cinema
Published video content (for example video clips on institutional or publisher websites)
**(for videos on user generated platforms such as Vimeo and YouTube please see guidance under social media section).**
Provide the URL after the Production Company/Institution
Surname, INITIALS. (Role). (Date). Title [Description]. Production Company or Institution (if more than one separate with a semi colon). URL (if accessed online via video streaming)
Burton, J. (Academic). (2020). Analyzing emotional responses to television commercials using quantitative methods [Film; educational tutorial]. SAGE Research Methods
Recorded Webinars
Instructor Surname, INITIALS. (Date). Title of Webinar [Webinar]. Company/Institution (if more than one separate with a semi colon). URL
Date = Provide the most detailed form of the date as you can (Year, Month Day) in the reference list with the standard (Author /Year) for the in-text citations.
TED Talks
If you have watched a TED Talk on their YouTube channel, cite this as a YouTube Video.
If you have watched a TED Talk from their website, cite as follows:
Speaker Surname, INITIALS. (Year, Month).Title of talk [Video]. TED Talks. URL
Content in different languages
If the film or video is in a different language to that of your work then provide a translation of the title in square brackets. Further guidance on translation of works can be found in the Additional Guidance box
Surname, INITIALS. (Role). (Date of distribution). Title [Translation of title] [Description]. Production Company or Institution (if more than one separate with a semi colon). URL (if accessed online via video streaming)
General guidance
Author - include their role in round brackets after the name. For multiple names provide the role in round brackets after all the names
TV Series as a whole = Executive producer(s)
TV Series Episode = Writer(s) or Director(s) of Episode. If one person performed multiple roles, combine the descriptions in one bracket using &
Description of source = The format of the reference stays the same for all audiovisual sources with a description of the work in square brackets after the title information, e.g. [TV series] or [TV series episode]
TV series as a whole
When a series spans multiple years, give the date range in both the reference list and in-text citations. Where a series is still airing at the time of writing your paper, cite the dare as -Present e.g. (2017-present)
Reference list:
Surname, INITIALS. (Role). (Broadcast Date or Date Range). Title of series [TV series]. Broadcaster.
Kring, T. (Executive Producer). (2008-2012) Examples [TV series]. Seven Films Corporation.
(Kring, 2008-2012)
Episode in a TV Series
Title = Provide the season number and episode number after the title in round brackets.
Date = Provide the full date episode was first aired (Year, Month Day)
Surname, INITIALS. (Role or Role & Role). (Broadcast Date). Title of episode [TV series episode]. In INITIALS. Surname (Role), Title of series. Broadcaster.
Richards, P. (Writer & Director). (2011, March 23). Oranges and Lemons (Series 4, Episode 12) [TV series episode]. in T. Kring (Executive Producer), Examples. Seven Films Corporation
(Richards, 2011)
General guidance
Classical - Provide the composer as the author, then in square brackets provide who recorded the version you are listening to after the description, [Album/Song/Piece recorded by...]
Modern works - The recording artist is listed as the author
Description of source = The format of the reference stays the same for all audiovisual sources with a description of the work in square brackets after the title information, e.g. [Album] or [Song]. It is not necessary to state what source you used to listed to music i.e streaming, CD etc however additional information can be provided within the square brackets after a semicolon, e.g [DVD; extended 20th anniversary ed.]
URL - Only provide a URL if this is the only way to retrieve the work, e.g only available on a streaming service and not released on CD etc.
(Examples adapted from APA Manual pp.344-345)
Recording Artist. (Date). Title of Album [Album]. Record label
Bowie, D. (2016). Blackstar [Album]. Columbia
Composer surname, INITIALS (Date). Title of work [Album recorded by]. Record label
Date - For classical music and reissued works, provide the date of the original at the end of the reference in round brackets (original work published year).
Both publication years appear in the in-text citation, separated with a slash, with the earlier year first.
Reference list:
Bach, J.S. (2010). The Brandenburg concertos [Album recorded by the London Orchestra]. Decca. (original work published 1721)
Parenthetical citation: (Bach 1721/2010)
Narrative citation: Bach (1721/2010)
Individual songs or tracks
Please note that the title of the songs are not in italics.
Modern Music
Recording artist, INITIALS. (Date). Title of song [Song]. on Album title. Record label
Lama, W. (2017). Bumble bee [Song]. On Dreams. Beach Records
Classical Music
Composer, INITIALS. (Date). Title of song [Song recorded by....]. on Album title. Record label. (Original published YYYY).
Bach, J.S. (2010). Symphony no. 2 [Song recorded by the London Orchestra]. Decca. (original work published 1721)
If a song is not associated with an album omit this part of the reference
Composer/Recording artist, INITIALS. (Date). Title of song [Song]. Record label
Lama, W. (2017). Bumble bee [Song]. Beach Records
Recorded music – Lyrics
If the song lyrics are listed on the source e.g on the CD sleeve, reference following the format for an individual song.
If the source of the lyrics are from a non-retrievable source such as a performance you will *not* need to provide an entry in your reference list. Place the lyrics in square brackets to indicate that you have transcribed the lyrics and they are not from a published source
In-Text (personal recollection)
(Personal recollection, August 15, 2016)
Music Video
Cite as per source you are using, for example for a YouTube video reference following the guidance in the Social Media section of this guide.
Music Score
Cite as per source you are using,
Description of source extra information can be included in square brackets after the title, for example [Vocal score] [Orchestral score] [Songbook]
For musical scores written in a language different to your paper you will need to provide a translation of the title in square brackets (see Additional Guidance box)
Mozart, W. A. (1970). Die Zauberflöte [The magic flute], [Vocal score]. Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung. (Original work published 1791)
(Mozart, 1791/1970)
General guidance
Author - include their role in round brackets after the name. For multiple names provide the role in round brackets after all the names
The roles included in your reference depend on the source and added at your discretion (Host, writer, producer etc.)
Description of source = The format of the reference stays the same for all audiovisual sources with a description of the work in square brackets after the title information, e.g. [Radio broadcast] or [Audio podcast]
Broadcast or podcast?
Podcasts are pre-recorded, downloadable and have a longer life span and can be edited.
Broadcasts are live radio shows following a broadcasting timetable and are not edited.e.g. Radio Breakfast Show
Radio broadcast or Podcast
When a show spans multiple years, give the date range in both the reference list and in-text citations. If a broadcast is still airing at the time of writing your paper cite the date as -Present e.g. (2017-Present)
Reference list:
Surname, INITIALS. (Role). (Broadcast Date or Date Range). Title of programme/podcast [Radio broadcast/Audio podcast]. Broadcaster. URL (if accessed online).
Reference list:
Surname, INITIALS. (Role), & Surname, INITIALS (Role if more that one is needed). (Broadcast Date Year, Month Day). Title of programme/podcast [Radio broadcast/ Audio podcast]. Broadcaster. URL
Al-Khalili, J (presenter). (2011-present).The life scientific [Audio podcast]. BBC Radio.
In-text: (Author/Year)
Parenthetical citation
( Al-Khalili, 2021-present)
Narrative citations
Al-Khalili (2021-present)
Episode in a Radio broadcast or podcast
Date = Provide the full date episode was first aired (Year, Month Day)
Reference list:
Surname, INITIALS. (Role), & Surname, INITIALS (Role if more that one is needed). (Broadcast Date Year, Month Day). Title of programme/podcast [Radio broadcast/ Audio podcast]. Broadcaster. URL
Fry, H (Guest expert), & Al-Khalili, J (presenter). (2021, September 7).The life scientific [Audio podcast]. BBC Radio 4.
In-text: (Author/Year)
Parenthetical citation
(Fry & Al-Khalili, 2021)
Narrative citations
Fry and Al-Khalili (2021)
Stage Production
Director Surname, INITIALS. (Director). (Year, Month day of performance). Title of play by Playright INITIAL. Surname, [Stage production]. Theatre, Location
Granville, P. (Director). (2001, June 8). The Tempest by W. Shakespeare, [Programme]. The Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Theatre programme
Director Surname, INITIALS. (Director). (Year, Month day of performance). Title of play by Playright INITIAL, Surname, [Programme]. Theatre, Location
Granville, P. (Director). (2001, June 8). The Tempest by W. Shakespeare, [Programme]. The Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.
For events, whether you need to include in-text citations or make an entry in your Reference List would depend on what material you are using and in what context. For example no citations would be needed for personal reflection on your experience but APA does state that you should provide sources for specialised facts and knowledge therefore direct information or photos taken of exhibits etc would need to be referenced.
Further information about citing personal experiences can be found on the APA Blog
Events and Personal Experiences
Whether you need to include in-text citations or make an entry in your Reference List would depend on what material you are using and in what context. For example no citations would be needed for personal reflection on your experience but APA does state that you should provide a reference for specialised facts and knowledge such as direct information or photos taken of exhibits etc
Further information about citing personal experiences can be found on the APA Blog (6th edition).
See our Zotero Guide for guidance on downloading and using Zotero.
It is always good practice to read and reference the original source of a work. If this is not possible you need to include the secondary source in your reference list, i.e the item you are using (whether it is a book, journal article or any other material) and acknowledge the original source by using the phrase (as cited in ...) in your in-text citation.
MacGilchrist argues that ....(as cited in Brundrett & Rhodes, 2011, p. 99)
Reference List:
Brundrett, M., & Rhodes, C. (2011). Leadership for quality and accountability in education. London: Routledge.
To cite quotes from an online source where there are no visible page numbers, use paragraph numbers, where available, with the abbreviation para and include the section heading where available, for example (project introduction, para. 3).
Where the section heading is unmanageable to cite in full, use a shortened version enclosed in quotation marks, for example, use ("Mandatory Labelling," para. 4) for the heading Mandatory labelling has targeted information gaps and social objectives.
**DO NOT use the page numbers from material that you have printed out from an online source as different printers may reflect different pagination**
Use the information from the version/format you have read.
All examples are for book sources, please adapt for other source types following guidance in the relevant sections of this guide
Translated works
Use the information from the version/format you have read and acknowledge the translator.
Reference List (book example):
Surname, INITIALS, (date). Title (INITIALS, Surname, Trans.).Publisher.
Piaget, J (1969). The psychology of the child (H. Weaver, Trans.). Basic Books.
(Piaget, 1969)
Citing your own translations
If you translate a passage from one language into another it is considered paraphrasing and not a direct quotation. Thus, to cite your translated material, all you need to do is include the author and date of the material in the in-text citation. It is helpful to include the page number in the citation as this will help any readers who do not speak the original language to find the translated passage.
Reference List:
In the reference list, provide the citation for the work in its original language and in addition to this provide an English translation of the title of the work in [square brackets] after the foreign-language title, without italics.
Further guidance and more examples can be found on the APA Blog
Works written in languages other than English
It is helpful to provide an English translation of the title in square brackets. For example, an original French edition of a work by Piaget:
Use the information from the version/format you have read
Reference List (book example):
Surname, INITIALS. (Date). Title. [Translated Title]. Publisher.
Piaget, J. (1966). La psychologie de l’enfant [The psychology of the child]. Presses Universitaires de France.
(Piaget, 1969)
Reference List (Journal article example):
Surname, INITIALS. (Date). Article title in original language [English translation of article title]. Journal name (Transliterated if in non-roman script), volume(Issue), Page(s). DOI or Web address (If access online)
Citing a work written in another language script
Titles should be transliterated and translated into English as in the example below of a source in Arabic, where the Arabic language has been transliterated from the Arabic alphabet to the Latin alphabet. Then you also put an English translation of the title of the document in squire brackets after the transliterated title.
Najm, Y. (1966). Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith [The novel in modern Arabic literature]. Dar Al-Thaqafah.
Further guidance and more examples can be found on the APA Blog here
Works written in a non-Roman script
You will need to transliterate the details of sources into the Roman script. Further guidance and more examples can be found on the APA Blog
For the author you would use solely the transliterated form of their name(s) and you do not include the original script in either your reference list or any in-text citations
黒澤 明 transliterated is Akira Kurosawa
The in-text citation would be the transliterated author surname and date, e.g (Kurosawa , 2002)
Title (not journal titles, please see below)
For titles you need to use the transliterated form and include the English translation within square brackets
七人の侍 transliterated is Shichinin no Samurai,
Journal titles, please see below
For journal titles you need to use the transliterated form only, with no need to include the English translation in square brackets
An Example of a transliterated source (a film)
The final reference would look like this:
Kurosawa, A. (Director). (1954). Shichinin no samurai [Seven samurai]. Toho: Japan.
(Kurosawa, 1954)
An Example of a source in Arabic (Book)
The Arabic language has been transliterated from the Arabic alphabet to the Roman alphabet, after which you also put an English translation of the title of the document in squire brackets (after the transliterated title).
Najm, Y. (1966). Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith [The novel in modern Arabic literature]. Dar Al-Thaqafah.
If the information needed to create a reference list entry is missing or unknown please follow the guidance from the APA Blog (taken from Section 9.4 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition)
If you only have an approximate date, place “ca.” (short for “circa”) before the year (or years if a date range)
(ca. 1959)
Date ranges have a hyphen between them (no space)
(ca. 1959-1962)
For further guidance please follow the guidance from the APA Blog (taken from Section 9.42 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition)
Reference List
For your reference list, include all authors with the last author name preceded by & (up to 20 authors).
For works with 20 or more authors, list the first nineteen then use an ellipsis (...) and list the name of the last author of the work (no & is required).
Please see examples in the Books by Multiple Authors Box for further guidance
In-Text Citations
For works with 1 or 2 authors include all names in every in-text citation
Parenthetical citations use the & between surnames (for 2 authors) and before the last surname for 3 or more authors, e.g
(Brown, 2017) or (Green & Preston, 2006)
Narrative citations spell out 'and' in between surnames (for 2 authors) and before the last surname for 3 or more authors, e.g
Brown (2017) or Green and Preson (2006)
For works with 3 or more authors, use the first author surname plus et al. (not italicised) for all in-text citations. The exception to this is when doing so would lead to confusion with other citations (i.e citations with the same lead author surname and year), in which case, include all author names to make the citation clear.
Parenthetical citations
(Green et al., 2006)
Narrative citations
Green et al. (2006)
Additional guidance on in-text citations can be found on the APA Blog
Reviews are referenced following the format for the source they are published in, with the addition of the original source information in square brackets after the review title (if there is one), e.g [Review of the book/film/TV series Book etc title, by Initial(s) Surname of author/editor/writer/director]
For reviews in books and journals provide the year of the review.
Surname, Initial(s) of reviewer, (YYYY). Title of review if there is one [Review of the book/film/TV series Book etc title, by Initial(s) Surname of author/editor/writer/director] Source information i.e Journal/Book title. DOI or URL if there is one
For reviews from websites or newspapers provide the year, month and date of the review.
Surname, Initial(s) of reviewer, (YYYY, Month Day). Title of review if there is one [Review of the book/film/TV series Book etc title, by Initial(s) Surname of author/editor/writer/director] Source information i.e Journal/Book title. DOI or URL if there is one
Book review published in a journal
Fforde, A. (2016). [Review of the book Politics in contemporary Vietnam: party, state and authority relations, by J. London (Ed.).] Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 11(3-4), 365-372. doi: 10.1525/jvs.2016.11.3-4.365
Book review on the back or front pages of a book
Cite as you would a chapter in a book, e.g.
Fforde, A. (2016). [Review of the book Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods, (6th ed.), by R. Yin.] In R. Yin, Case study research: design and methods (6th ed., Back cover). Sage.
Film review published on a website
Fforde, A. (2016, March 5). [Review of the film Mary Poppins, by R. Stevenson,Dir.] Title of Website, URL
TV series review published on a website
Whole series
Fforde, A. (2016, March 5). [Review of the TV series Doctor Who, by R. Stevenson,Dir.] Title of Website, URL
Individual episode
Fforde, A. (2016, March 5). [Review of the TV series episode "Praxeus", by R. Stevenson,Dir.] Title of Website, URL
*Please note that you should not use Anon. or Anonymous in an in-text citation unless the author has specifically been stated as such in the source*
*For works where there is no author you need to start the reference with the title information instead*
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Unsure which source type to use?
Sometimes the distinctions between source types can be ambiguous, in which case consistency is the most important thing. If a source could be defined as more than one source type then a judgement is needed to choose which format to use and you then need to be consistent throughout your work to make sure all other similar sources are referenced the same way.