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English Faculty Library Subject Guides: Medieval

A site dedicated to resources for English Faculty students

Faculty Resources

Piers Plowman Tutorial Website - Teaching aid for improving skills at translating Middle English.

Troilus and Criseyde: Translation and Commentary - A web resource to help increase familiarity with Troilus & Criseyde for the Part I medieval exam. 

Middle English Resource - Language resource for those studying Middle English texts in the original.

Scriptorium - A digital archive of manuscript miscellanies and commonplace books from c.1450-1720. 

Faculty Research Groups

Centre for Material Texts - Faculty group for research into the physical forms in which texts are embodied and circulated.

Medieval Reading Group - includes archived editions of group's Marginalia journal and links to online resources.

Medieval and Renaissance Research Hub & Medieval Research Group - Information on the Faculty research community in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.


Web Resources

The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales - A volume of introductory chapters for first-time, university-level readers of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The chapters have been created and edited by professional scholars of Chaucer, and all material is released open access.

Early English Books Online - Digital facsimile images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.

Index of Christian Art - Iconographic index of Christian themes in early Christian and Medieval art.

The Bible - 20 versions of the English Bible. Includes William Tyndale's New Testament.

TEAMS Middle English Texts Series - Searchable database of online editions of works by John Gower, Robert Henryson, John Lydgate, Margery Kempe and The York Corpus Christi Plays.

Digitized Medieval Manuscripts - Links to over 300 libraries with digitized manuscripts. The collection includes the Ancrene Wisse, the Brut Chronicle, and of the finest copies of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde.

Parker Library on the Web - The Parker Library is the rare books and manuscripts library of Corpus Christi.

Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse - An extensive collection of Middle English electronic texts assembled from works contributed by University of Michigan faculty and from texts provided by the Oxford Text Archive.

The Labyrinth - Provides connections to databases, services, texts, and images for Medieval studies.

Manuscripts online - Online primary resources relating to written and early printed culture in Britain during the period 1000 to 1500.

Middle English Compendium - Middle English Dictionary, bibliography and collection of prose writing.

A Hypertext Book of Hours - an introduction to the history and context of the Book of Hours, along with digital versions of the calendar dates, Gospel readings, Psalms, prayers and suffrages normally found in a Book of Hours in Latin and English.

International Medieval Sourcebook - a wide selection of historical texts presented for educational use by the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies. Includes the Canterbury Tales and medieval spiritual writing.

The Camelot Project - a database of Arthurian texts, images, and bibliographies in association with the University of Rochester

Database of Middle English Romance - provides digitized copies of verse romances composed between c. 1220 and c. 1500. 


International Medieval Bibliography - Bibliography of the Middle Ages, 300-1500.

Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance - A bibliography of more than 1.3 million citations for secondary source material about the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700.

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