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English Faculty Library Subject Guides: 1870-present

A site dedicated to resources for English Faculty students

Modern and Contemporary Poetry

Archive of the Now - Archive of over 100 contemporary poets reading their work (mainly British, some U.S.)

Great Works - Website of contemporary poetry with an extensive list of links to other resources and websites.

Modern Poetry - Website for British Innovative Poetry

Jacket2 - An online journal of contemporary poetry. Includes searchable archive of issues published between 1997 and 2010 and database of criticism on contemporary poetry and original works by poets from around the world.

The Poetry Society - National arts organisation representing British poetry. Publisher of The Poetry Review.

Penn Sound - Large archive of poets reading their work and links.

The Poetry Archive - Mainly modern and contemporary poetry from more well-known and popular poets.

Contemporary Poetics Research Centre - A forum for the study and performance of contemporary poetries, and research into their historical, political and theoretical contexts.

Poetry Foundation - Website for Poetry magazine, lots of articles, news, and poems

Poetry Library Southbank Centre - Archive of modern and contemporary poetry journals

ubuweb - Huge film and sound archive of modernist and avant-garde art, poetics, and performance. (Beat Poets, Beckett, Cage, Dadaists, Concrete poetry, Pound, Stein, Zukofsky, etc.)

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Web Resources

Twentieth-Century English Poetry - A collection of more than 600 volumes of poetry by 283 poets from 1900 to the present day.

The Faber Poetry Library - A collection of some of the most influential poets of the twentieth century, spanning the seventy-year history of the publishing house, and including the poetry of Siegfried Sassoon, T.S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, and Sylvia Plath.

The Bloomsbury Group - Kansas State University's collection of web resources on the Bloomsbury group.

British Library: Discovering Literature 20th Century- The British Library's 20th century literature online resource brings to life some of the most influential and innovative writers and poets of the era.

The Modernist Journals Project - Digital editions of culturally significant magazines from the early 20th century.

Modernist Magazines Project - Scholarly resource and comprehensive critical and cultural history of modernist magazines in the period 1880-1945.

L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Magazine - Archive of the avant garde poetry magazine edited by Charles Bernstein and Bruce Andrews published between February 1978 and October 1981.

British Council Literature Site - Includes searchable Writers Directory of UK and Commonwealth contemporary writers.

Electronic Literature Organization - Organisation facilitating and promoting the writing, publishing, and reading of literature in electronic media.

The Clearing - A new-writing journal of nature, landscape & place from the publishers Little Toller Books.

Resources for specific writers

Beckett Digital Manuscript Project -  A digital archive of Samuel Beckett's manuscripts in facsimile with transcriptions and analysis of the genesis of the texts.

The Wasteland App - Includes audio readings of the poem by T. S. Eliot himself, Alec Guinness, Ted Hughes and Viggo Mortensen. As well as original manuscript pages revealing how the poem took shape under Ezra Pound’s editing.

James Joyce Quarterly - International peer-reviewed journal of Joyce studies.

Exploring "The Waste Land" - Online text of the poem with hyperlinked notes, definitions, translations, cross references, and texts of works alluded to.

J.H. Prynne Bibliography - Searchable index of works by and about the poet J.H. Prynne.

Faculty & University Resources

Nineteenth-Century Studies Hub - The English Faculty’s research community in Nineteenth-Century Studies.

Contemporaries Research Group - Faculty research group for new writing.

Cambridge Authors - Project focusing on authors who studied at Cambridge - includes AS Byatt, EM Forster, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath & Zadie Smith.

The Samuel Butler Project - Collection of material produced by and relating to the Victorian polymath Samuel Butler (1835-1902) held by St John’s College Library.

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