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Law: Referencing Guide

The library guide for Cambridge University's Squire Law Library.

Referencing management software

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Cite them right


To find out more about the University of Cambridge's view on plagiarism and good academic practice, as well as further advice on how and when to reference, visit these guidance pages.

Other useful LibGuides

Referencing style

Undergraduate and research students at the Faculty of Law are drawn to three different referencing styles. More details and guidance are below:


OSCOLA - Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities

The Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation (password required - please contact the Squire enquiry desk)

The Maroonbook - The University of Chicago Manual of Legal Citation


OSCOLA is a standard legal citation system developed by Oxford University. Currently in its fourth edition (fifth edition expected in 2025).

Here are some freely available resources:

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: OSCOLA LibGuide

OSCOLA: Citing International Law Sources Section


If you have any queries regarding using OSCOLA please contact the Squire enquiry desk on

FAQ: Citation of ebooks

A frequently asked question is how to cite ebooks.

There is extensive information on the ebooks@Cambridge LibGuide including how to cite electronic Legal Deposit texts.

There is also an OSCOLA FAQs webpage.

Referencing and citation

An image of studying - a page of text, highlighter pens and books.


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