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Law: India

The library guide for Cambridge University's Squire Law Library.

Indian print materials

Our Indian print collection is located on the second floor of the library starting in bookstack 15 and all have a classmark starting with the letter R.

There are also some Indian journals within our Commonwealth journal collection starting in stack 1 on the second floor and filed by alphabetical order of title.

Examples of our holdings include the Madras Law Journal and the Indian Journal of International law, the Oxford handbook of the Indian Constitution edited by Sujit Choudhry et al, Competition law in India: a practical guide by Abir Roy, and Family Law by Agnes Flavia.

Other useful resources

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is a multilingual index of foreign, comparative and international law journals. Access is via HeinOnline (University sign-in required). 

Recommended resources

Manupatra - The largest content aggregator of Indian and International material, linking primary information, secondary material and proprietary analytical content. (Please contact the enquiry desk for the password)

Foreign Law Guide - India 

Some e-journals

Click on the covers to view the content:

Indian Journal of International Law cover Indian Law Review cover Jindal Global Law Review

Comparative law

We have an extensive comparative and multi-jurisdictional law print collection held on the third floor which may be useful to your research. Books and journal classmarks begin with the letter H.

Madras Law Journal

Picture of the Madras Law Journal on a shelf in the Squire Law Library with an open volume in front. The volumes look very grand in bound tan leather, with gold lettering on red and black backgrounds.

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