19th Century British Library NewspapersThis resource provides access to national, regional, and local 19th century British newspapers. It includes 48 titles, totalling approximately 2.2 million pages, which reflect the social and political developments of the time. The collection focuses on London national newspapers, English regional papers, home country newspapers from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, and titles in specialist areas such as Victorian radicalism and Chartism
19th Century UK Periodicals Series 1 New Readerships19th Century UK Periodicals provides access to a good range of nineteenth-century periodical literature published in the UK. It is of particular interest to those researching nineteenth-century history, literature and culture, empire, feminism, the history of the book, the creative and performing arts, sport and leisure, science and medicine, and the professions. The first part (New Readerships) covers Women’s, Children’s, Humour and Leisure/Sport
Arctic todayArcticToday is the comprehensive news source reporting on the Arctic, from the Arctic. An independent digital news site, ArcticToday partners with media organizations from around the circumpolar north, offering readers on-the-ground reporting, international news, features and community perspectives from one of the world’s fastest-changing regions.
Biblioteca Nacional DigitalBiblioteca Nacional de Portugal digital collection including Portuguese newspapers from 17th to 20th centuries
British Periodicals 1 and 2British Periodicals traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. On completion this unique digital archive will consist of almost 500 periodical runs published from the 1680s to the 1930s, comprising six million keyword-searchable pages and forming an unrivalled record of more than two centuries of British history and culture. Provides access to the full-text of nearly 460 British popular and literary periodicals published from the 17th century to the early 20th century. Includes amongst others the Anti-Slavery Reporter, London Review, Royal Magazine or Gentleman’s Monthly Companion, some religious titles such as The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, music, architecture, drama, the fine arts and the social sciences
Burney Collection: Seventeenth-Eighteenth century newspapersThis link opens in a new windowThe newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media. The present digital collection, that helps chart the development of the concept of 'news' and 'newspapers' and the "free press", totals almost 1 million pages and contains approximately 1,270 titles. Many of the Burney newspapers are well known, but many pamphlets and broadsides also included have remained largely hidden.
Chicago TribuneThe historical newspaper complete from 1845 to 1995
Chronicling America: Historic American newspapersAmerican newspapers of 1817-1910 from the Library of Congress, including information on American newspapers published between 1690 and the present.
Daily ExpressThe Daily Express archive is a fully searchable database of the newspaper. Here you can view, download and print historic pages from Daily Express newspaper dating back to 1900. The Sunday Express is also available from 2000.
Daily Star ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowThe Daily Star Archive archive is a fully searchable database of the newspaper. Here you can view, download and print pages from Daily Star newspaper dating back to 2000. The Daily Star Sunday is also available, complete from 2002
Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection10 newspapers from the self-proclaimed “people’s republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east of Ukraine from 2013 to 2015.
DRUM magazineThis link opens in a new windowDrum Magazine was once the most widely read magazine in Africa. Its journalists influenced political outcomes and are credited with changing the way Black South African, Indian, and Multiracial communities were represented in society.
Early American Newspapers onlineThe EAN is the single most comprehensive online resource for searching and browsing early American newspapers, comprising thousands of fully searchable historical newspapers from all 50 states and Washington, D.C., searchable by series, by place of publication, by era or by decade
Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003This archive is a fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist. The database covers 8,000 issues and more than 600,0000 pages, offering full-colour images, multiple search indexes, topic and area supplements and surveys, together with a gallery of front covers (via the browse by date option). Maps, images and financial tables can be searched separately. Selected financial tables published after May 1983 can be exported using links in the blue box to left of the page image
Exilpresse digital: Deutsche Exilzeitschriften 1933-1945Based on collections of the Exiled German Archive 1933-1945 at the German Library in Frankfurt am Main and related collections of exile literature in Leipzig, this digital collection contains a digitized selection of 30 (out of 900) periodicals from the Nazi period from a broad range of subjects. They were published in German in places as diverse as New York, Paris, Shanghai and London. Several, but not all, of the newspapers are Jewish publications, such as the Shanghai Jewish Chronicle; Jüdaisches Nachrichtenblatt (The Jewish Voice, Shanghai); Gemeindeblatt der Jüdischen Kultusgemeinde (Shanghai); and Ordo (Paris)
GallicaNewspapers from 19th to early 20th centuries from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, including Le Figaro (1830-1942), Le Temps (1861-1935), La Croix (1883-1944), L'Humanité (1904-1944), La Press (1836-1858), and Le journal des débats (1814-1912).
Guardian & ObserverThe Guardian started life as The Manchester Guardian in 1821 but changed title to The Guardian in 1959. The papers are fully cross-searchable with the other newspapers on the ProQuest Historical Newspapers platform, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Times of India. As well as browsing of discrete issues, there are multiple ways to search and across different content types (articles; cartoons; advertisements etc.).
Hemeroteca DigitalHemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa, digital collection of newspapers and magazines. Coverage includes titles from 1715 to 1993 in Portuguese language
Independent voicesThis link opens in a new windowIndependent Voices is an open access collection of digitized alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals published in the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century, mostly in the 1960s and 1970s. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, and the extreme right-wing press. The collection also includes alternative literary magazines, known as “little magazines,” which published experimental and avant-garde works
Irish Newspaper ArchiveDigital archives of many of Ireland's historical newspapers from the 1700s to the present, including out of print publications
Irish TimesNewspaper Archive. over 150 years of Irish Times journalism, as it originally appeared in print. Searchable by keyword and date, reproductions of every page of The Irish Times from 1859 up to the last 7 days.
Izvestiia Digital ArchiveAmong the longest-running Russian newspapers, Izvestiia was founded in March 1917 and during the Soviet period was the official organ of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
Krokodil Digital ArchiveKrokodil emerged in the USSR at the moment of the creation of a national Soviet mass media, broadcast and communications systems, and its demise coincided with the expansion of the internet. Between these dates, Krokodil provided a mediated documentation of life in the USSR.
Le Temps: archives historiques:This collection from a partnership led by the Bibliothèque nationale suisse currently includes the Journal de Genève (1826-1991), the Gazette de Lausanne (1803-1991), the Journal de Genève et Gazette de Lausanne (1991-1998) and the Nouveau Quotidien (1991-1998).
Literaturnaia gazeta digital archiveFirst published in 1929, Literaturnaia gazeta (Literary paper) provided a remarkably open forum for intellectual debate throughout the Soviet period.
Maisaku‘Maisaku 毎索’ provides the archives of the Mainichi shinbun from 1872 to the present. In addition to the regular Japanese newspaper, the database also includes the English-language The Mainichi since 2008, the weekly Ekonomisuto since 1989, and searchable Yoron chôsa from 1945 to 2017
Mass Media in Russia 1908-1918This collection comprises penny newspapers documenting political and social developments in Russia in the pivotal years from 1908 to 1918
Nashriyah:digital Iranian history23 rare newspapers and periodicals (over 12,000 pages) available digitally, documenting real-life news from the 1953 coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, the 1979 revolution and the late 1990s/early 2000s 'reform era' of President Mohammad Khatami.
NAVER News LibraryNews Library provides high quality news archive services for 4 major newspapers in Korea: Han’gyore (1988-1999); Kyonghyang Sinmun (1946-1999); Maeil Kyongje (1967-1999); Tonga Ilbo (1920-1999)
NewspaperCatAn online database providing links to over 1,000 full-text digital newspapers in the United States and Caribbean. The project's current coverage, which began with the Southeastern United States, is growing rapidly and will soon cover all fifty states. The purpose of NewspaperCat is to improve access to historical newspapers digitized by libraries, archives, historical societies and non-profit organizations that remain buried within search engine returns. These newspapers represent a rich source of primary research material. The project is funded by the George A. Smathers Libraries and developed in cooperation with the Digital Library Center of the University of Florida.
New York Times Historical ArchiveLong known as the U.S. paper of record, the New York Times has been reporting the news and shaping opinion around the world since 1851. The New York Times Archive (1851-2006) with Index (1851-1993) provides search capability using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times
Nineteenth century U.S. NewspapersThe archive comprises digital facsimile images of both full pages and clipped articles for hundreds of 19th century U.S. newspapers and advanced searching capabilities
Niva digital archiveNiva, an illustrated weekly journal of literature, politics and modern life was the most popular magazine of the late-nineteenth-century Russia
North China Herald 北华捷报This link opens in a new windowThe North China Herald is the prime printed source for the history of the foreign presence in China from around 1850 to 1940s. No other newspaper existed over such an extended period, and covers it in such incredible depth and variety. The fully text-searchable North China Herald Online will be one of the primary resources on a period which continues to shape much of China’s world and worldview.
RetronewsThis link opens in a new windowRetroNews, the press site of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, gives access to more than 2000 press titles published between 1631 and 1952, adding to the resources present on Gallica. It works as a digital space for consulting newspapers archives, a research tool and a magazine.
Sovetskaia kul'tura digital archiveThis link opens in a new windowWeekly newspaper. Source of information on arts and culture in the Soviet and Russian societies
Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019This link opens in a new windowAn online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785-2012. Allows researchers an opportunity to search and view the newspaper in its original published context. Includes weekend supplements. The archive supports research across multiple disciplines and areas of interest: in business, humanities, political science, philosophy and numerous other subjects with coverage of all major international historical events.This database contains all Monday-Saturday issues of the Times in full text and full image, including news, features, editorials and commentary, advertising, pictures and illustrations. The Sunday Times is NOT included.
Times Literary Supplement Historical ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowFull text searchable archive of the Times Literary Supplement from the first issue up to and including 2010. This is an updated, expanded and redesigned version of the Times Literary Supplement Centenary Archive
Times of IndiaThis link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper (1838-2005) provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Wall Street JournalThis link opens in a new windowThe Wall Street Journal in digital format from 1890-1991. Users can search by keyword or date or browse issues (Click on Search Methods and choose publication). Includes advertisements as well as articles.
Washington Post (1877-1997)This link opens in a new windowThe Washington Post (1877-1992) available as full page images including all original content. The database provides full-text searching which can be limited by date and article type.
Wellesley Index to Victorian PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowAn index to the authorship of articles in Victorian periodicals, and a bibliography of articles written by each contributor, and using each pseudonym. Citations of evidence are provided to support attributions of authorship, along with brief biographical and vocational details. 45 important monthly and quarterly titles are included, covering the period from the beginning of the Westminster Review in 1824 to the end of the century. The exception to this is the Edinburgh Review, which is indexed from first issue, in 1802.
Available as part of C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
Yomidasu RekishikanThis link opens in a new windowContents include Yomiuri shinbun 1874 to the present: image format from 1874 to 1989; full text 1986 to the present, along with the English edition: the Daily Yomiuri (Sept. 1989- to the present), both searchable by article, keyword, subject category, and issue. Charts and photographs are not included. Also includes biographical information on 26,000 people.
Access restricted to 2 concurrent users - Remember to logout of your session
FactivaDow Jones collection of business and general news from 14,000 sources. A wide variety of UK and foreign newspapers and news sources including the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal. Individual titles can be searched on ejournals@cambridge A-Z
Integrum World WideThe Central Press database currently provides full text of 1,338 newspapers and magazines including Moscow Times, Vecherniaia Moskva, Voennaia mysl’, Voprosy literatury, Delovaia Moskva, Izvestiia, Kommersant, Mezhdunarodnaia politika, Nezavisimaia gazeta, Parlamentskaia gazeta (1990), Kommersant Izvestiya (1991), Moscow Times, Argumenty i fakty, Moskovskiy komsomolets, and Pravda (1992)
Kikuzo II Visual for LibrariesThe largest online newspaper database in Japan. This includes the Asahi shinbun newspaper archive (1945-2007) plus two weekly journals: Weekly Asahi and Aera. Asahi shinbun is the most important newspaper in Japan and a primary source for both studies of current Japanese society and studies of Japan in historical aspect
LexisNexis ButterworthsA wide selection of UK newspapers, including regional titles, with backfiles (coverage varies between publications)
Select "News" from the navigation bar at the top of the screen
WestlawDatabase of legal materials containing a significant number of national newspapers and newswires, regional newspapers, international newspapers and newswires of business, trade and industry. Select "News" from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.
News sites
Africa confidentialFor over 50 years, Africa confidential has prided itself on its comprehensive network of local correspondents and the connections the title has built up throughout Africa. Began publication in 1960.
Current Digest of the Post Soviet PressFounded in 1949, each week the digest presents a selection of Russian-language press materials, carefully translated into English.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily ReportsThe Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Report has been the United States' principal record of political and historical open source intelligence for nearly 70 years. The original mission of the FBIS was to monitor, record, transcribe, and translate intercepted radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services, and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories. FBIS Daily Reports, 1974–1996 constitutes a unique archive of transcripts of foreign broadcasts and news that provides insight into the second half of the 20th century; many of these materials are firsthand reports of events as they occurred. FBIS Daily Reports, 1974–1996 consist of translated broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the globe. These media sources were monitored in their languages of origin, translated into English, and issued by an agency of the US government. Cambridge has access to 5 collections: Middle East and North Africa, 1974-1987; Near East and South Asia, 1987-1996; South Asia, 1980-1987; Sub-Saharan Africa, 1974-1980 and Africa 1987-1996; Eastern Europe, 1974-1996
WestlawThis database of legal materials contains also a significant number of national newspapers and newswires, regional newspapers, international newspapers and newswires of business, trade and industry. Select "News" from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.