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Law: Australia

The library guide for Cambridge University's Squire Law Library.

Australian print materials

Our Australian print collection is located on the second floor of the library starting in bookstack 7 and all have a classmark starting with  L.

Examples of our holdings include Cross on Evidence, Meagher, Gummow and Lehane on Equity, Doctrine and Remedies, Finn on Fiduciary Obligations, and Zines' The High Court and the Constitution. We stock many Australian law reports series including the New South Wales Law Reports, Commonwealth Law Reports, Western Australia Law Reports, and the Australian Criminal Reports.

There are also some Australian journals within our Commonwealth journal collection starting in stack 1 on the second floor and filed by alphabetical order of title including the Australian Law Journal, Criminal Law Journal, Melbourne University Law Review, and the Sydney Law Review.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is a multilingual index of foreign, comparative and international law journals. Access is via HeinOnline (University sign-in required). 

Recommended resources

Other useful resources

AustLII Free access to legislation, court judgments, commentaries and summaries on the law.

Jade BarNet JADE (Judgments and Decisions Enhanced) is a current awareness service that collects recent decisions of selected Australian Courts and Tribunals into an enhanced database.

Globalex A guide to online research resources for the Australian federal legal system with some reference to the state level.

Australian law reports

Photo of two sets of Australian law reports on shelves in the Squire Law Library. One set is brown and red - another is black and green.

Comparative law

We have an extensive comparative and multi-jurisdictional law print collection held on the third floor which may be useful to your research. Books and journal classmarks begin with the letter H.

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