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Official Publications: UK Legislation

A guide to the official publications collections held within the Cambridge University Libraries.

UK Legislation

All recent UK legislation is easily accessible from government websites but there are also other resources that we have purchased which give you extra functionality. The Stationery Office is producing less and less material in print as it moves towards entirely digital publication.

There is a more extensive LibGuide to Official Publications accessible via the tab above.

Bills and parliamentary proceedings

Parliament Business The bills and legislation section of the Parliament UK website Recent House of Commons and House of Lords proceedings with links to the archives.

Public Information Online has a Bill Tracker.

There is more information on Parliamentary Proceedings under the UK Official Publications tab.



Explanatory Notes

Explanatory Notes have been issued with UK primary legislation since 1999.

Current Awareness

Blogs - Inner Temple Current Awareness Blog

Twitter - @UKParliament, @HouseofCommons, @HouseofLords

Alerts - You can set up alerts in Westlaw (after creating a profile) and Lexis (using Raven login).

Training Guides

A list of training guides to our subscription databases are available on the library's webpages accessible here.


See separate tab for Scotland.

Westminster Palace

Image by Bidyut Das from Pixabay

Statutes and Statutory Instruments

When using legislation you must be mindful regarding whether you are viewing a King's Printer Version (as published) or an amended and up-to-date version.


Halsbury's Laws of England is accessible through Lexis+ where you can browse by topic or search.

The print volumes are held in the Squire Law Library on the first floor in bookstack 5.

Northern Ireland

Other secondary legislation

Parliament UK's website has an explanation of secondary legislation with links. All legislation since 1988 (and many before that date) including Church Measures and Ministerial Orders.

Lexis+ and Public Information Online also hold Church of England Measures

Local Statutory Instruments

Local SIs are issued within the same numbered sequence but not all are printed. The University Library holds local SIs from 1954.

The FAQ page explains how to order local SIs between 1922-2006 from The National Archives. The British Library also holds them on microfiche.

There is a very useful article on Finding and using local statutory instruments by RJB Morris (11 Statute L. Rev. 28). Users with a Raven login can read it via this link.

Local and Personal Acts
All local acts since 1991 selected acts before that.


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