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Official Publications: Devolved Governments

A guide to the official publications collections held within the Cambridge University Libraries.

Devolved Governments

Devolved governments in the United Kingdom create their own proceedings, datasets and research. This information sits separately from the UK government resources in electronic and print collections.


Records of the Parliaments of Scotland

Contains the proceedings of the Scottish Parliament from the first surviving Act of 1235 to the union of 1707.

The Scottish Parliament

The official website of the Scottish Parliament includes digital copies of committee reports, research briefings,bills, petitions and the transcripts of meetings in the Debating Chamber.

Scottish Parliament: Standing Orders

Standing orders for the Scottish Parliament are available in print at the University Library.

State Papers

Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Assembly

Includes news, media, information and live coverage of the Assembly. There is also a link to Hansard, order papers and committee reports.

NI Direct

A full list of government services and information about the different departments within the Assembley. 

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands Government

Information about the constitution, the Legislative Assembly and their relationship with the United Nations.

Falkland Islands Government

Information about government services, including law and regulation.

Falkland Islands and the UK

The UK Government's website for the Falkland Islands.


Welsh Assembly Business

All th upcoming meetings and events of the Assembly alongside Open Consultations. This page also links to further information from committees, legislation and plenary meetings.

Welsh Government Statistics and Research

A variety of data collected by the Welsh Assembly on a variety of topics. Data sets include, statistics, economic research, surveys and others.

Secretary of State for Wales

Announcements from the UK government on Welsh issues.


Government of Gibraltar 

Information about all the departments which form the Government of Gibraltar.


The Gibraltar Parliament 

Proceedings of the Parliament of Gibraltar, including videos, transcripts and election information.

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