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Physical & Digital Collections

Official Publications: Home

A guide to the official publications collections held within the Cambridge University Libraries.

Official Publications at Cambridge University Libraries

Cambridge University Libraries have a vast amount of official publications in both print and online. Although most of the print material is held at the main University Library some department, faculty and centre libraries stock more focused collections and can provide some staff expertise.

This LibGuide is designed to be an introduction to the material that is held in print and the electronic resources that are available. Please contact us if you need assistance researching any topic not covered in this LibGuide.

Please use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through the guide.


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Rare Books Room at the University Library

Cambridge University Library's Rare Books Room

Official Publications

Official Publications are papers produced by governments. They can include parliamentary papers and proceedings, department papers, laws and regulations.

We have taken a very broad definition of "official publications" to include anything published by a Government, State or official body or supra-national or inter-governmental body.

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