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Official Publications: Council of Europe

A guide to the official publications collections held within the Cambridge University Libraries.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe, founded in 1949, consists of 47 member states and is the leading human rights organisation for Europe. Its focus is on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. All members have signed the European Convention on Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the treaty.

Council of Europe

Council of Europe documents

This page summarises and links to documents published by the Council of Europe.

European Court of Human Rights

Judgments from the European Court of Human Rights are publicly accessible on the HUDOC database.


The full text of Sweet and Maxwell's law report series the European Human Rights Reports are available on Westlaw (link below).

Council of Europe chamber

An image of a the Council of Europe' circular chamber consisting of wooden desks and ceiling rafters and blue chairs.

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