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Physical & Digital Collections

Official Publications: Statistics & Datasets

A guide to the official publications collections held within the Cambridge University Libraries.

Statistics & Datasets

Print and electronic official publications come in different formats and include a variety of figures as a result of data collection. 

In most cases, official datasets and statistics can be found in dedicated databases or as part of official websites. Below are some examples of how this data has been made available for a variety of purposes.

Although some historical datasets have been made available electronically retrospectively, many will still only be available in print. 

Census Data

Census data includes a variety of information that can be used for social, political and economic research. Most countries present information about census returns individually, subdivided by different research areas. See the examples below:





Latin America

New Zealand

United Kingdom

International Organisations Census Data

International bodies also collect and combine census data in order to give a broader perspective. The two major intergovernmental bodies that present this data are:

European Union

United Nations

India statistics/datasets

Open Government Data India

India's open government data platform

EU statistics


Offers key European statistical information, news releases and briefing notes. Register directly with the site in order to save your searches and download data.

UK crime statistics

Crime statistics can be found on the government's statistics portal.

When researching crime statistics it is important to remember that figures are split up geographically and often published under different titles e.g. Crime in England and Wales or Recorded Crime in Scotland. Unless you know exactly what you are looking for it may be best to begin your search with a topic search for 'crime' and narrow down using the filters provided. 

Browsing this way will also bring to your attention other interesting sets of statistics such as rural crime, crime outcomes, or experience of crime surveys.

UK Datasets

National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD) 1997-2010
Provides online access to archived digital datasets and documents from UK central government departments between 1997-2010. The data includes results of surveys carried out by government departments and executive agencies.

EU datasets

EU Open Data portal

The EU Open Data Portal provides access to an expanding range of data from the European Union institutions and other EU bodies. You can use and reuse these data for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

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