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for Master's

Getting started with CamGuides for Master's

two computer screens on a desk, with headphones and a mobile phoneFocus on technology

This pathway is designed to help students identify which parts of CamGuides are particularly focused on activities related to technology and software. It might be particularly helpful for students who feel they lack confidence in using technology, or those whose choice of Master's degree might require knowledge of specific software.

You are welcome to follow the pathway outlined below, but this is only a suggestion; you should continue to feel free to explore the rest of the resource as you wish.


1. Software for Academic Use

The Software for Academic Use pages cover essential software, as well as options related to organisation, referencing, design, writing, and surveys and statistics.

2. Advanced search techniques

Identifying ways to enable you to set up alerts and use citation tracking to enhance how you search for resources.

3. Your digital identity

Information about how to negotiate the ways you present yourself online, and how this might be viewed by others in your academic or professional field.

4. Social media and academic networking

Guidance on using social media for academic purposes, connecting with others in your discipline, disseminating ideas, and learning about new research.

Image credits

CC0 by Free-Photos on Pixabay

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