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for Master's

Getting started with CamGuides for Master's

a person stands on the top of a rock, silhouetted by the setting sun

Why does CamGuides for Master's exist?

Research into becoming a Master's student suggests that it isn't always a straightforward process, despite similarities in the way you might have been taught and assessed at undergraduate level.

Some of the key challenges that Master's students often face include:

  • a short orientation period, leading to students feeling as though they don't really belong at the university
  • difficulties with academic practices like writing, time management and organisation
  • uncertainty about what is expected of students working at Master's level, and how this differs from undergraduate level study

These challenges won't affect everyone, and definitely won't affect everyone equally. But our goal with CamGuides is to try to address some of them - to help you to identify what studying your subject at Cambridge might be like, as well as pointing you to resources that can help you develop your academic practices before you come to Cambridge.

Our goal is that you arrive feeling prepared and confident for your studies and have a place to return to for help..

If you have any questions about CamGuides for Master's,please contact us via email at

Image credits

CC0 by Kym Ellis via Unsplash

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