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for Master's

Getting started with CamGuides for Master's

a hand holding a pen poised to write in a notebook; the person sits at a desk with a coffee cupFocus on studying

This pathway is designed to help you to identify the parts of CamGuides for Master's which particularly focus on academic and studying practices. It might be particularly helpful for students who have taken time out of higher education in between their undergraduate studies and their Master's degree.

You are welcome to follow the pathway outlined below, but this is only a suggestion; you should continue to feel free to explore the rest of the resource as you wish.

1. Searching effectively

Identifying strategies for searching effectively, comprehensively and efficiently, and in a way that suits a specific purpose, is an essential part of Master's level study, regardless of discipline. This page provides a structured way to develop an effective strategy for finding resources.

2. Reading techniques

Master's degrees typically involve a large amount of reading - this page highlights different strategies to try out for managing a high reading workload.

3. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the process by which we ask questions of a text, author or topic under discussion - this page provides a framework for critical thinking in any discipline.

4. Taking notes

Outlining a variety of different methods of note-taking for you to try, with advice on taking effective notes.

5. Managing your files

Advice on how to organise and safely store the materials you use and generate as part of your Master's degree.

Image credits

CC0 by Green Chameleon via Unsplash

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