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for Master's

Getting started with CamGuides for Master's

a black lamp against a green grey backgroundFocus on core practices

This pathway is designed to help students who are returning to higher education after a break, or who want to ensure that they have identified, and mastered, the core practices associated with studying at Master's level.

You are welcome to follow the pathway outlined below, but this is only a suggestion; you should continue to feel free to explore the rest of the resource as you wish.


1. Self-directed learning

Self-directed learning is a common feature of most Master's degrees. It refers to students' ability to motivate themselves, study independently, and make good decisions about studying if you have limited time or space. This page introduces you to some basic techniques to think through your current approach to self-directed learning.

2. Where to search

Looking for information is going to be a core part of your Master's degree. This page links to key resources, library catalogues and databases so that you can become more familiar with them before you begin your course.

3. Essential software

Three pieces of essential information about software are on this page: how email works in Cambridge, word processing software, and cloud storage, so that you can develop a system to back up the work you produce during your Master's degree.

4. Useful Cambridge websites

This page aggregates many of the links related to studying in Cambridge so that you can spend some time exploring what support is available. It includes information about how to access online resources when you arrive, about training and support once you're in Cambridge, and activities and welfare.

Image credits

CC0 by David van Dijk via Unsplash

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