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for Master's

CamGuides for Master's: CamGuides for Master's


Welcome to Cambridge

Learn more about the University and the city: how to find your bearings, useful websites to explore, and about the library services in Cambridge.

Software for academic use

Information about some of the software you might use during your degree – to stay organised, for writing, referencing, design, and working with statistics.

Finding and using resources

Guidance in navigating the wide variety of resources available to you in your subject, how to search effectively.

Managing your study resources

Learn how to organise and safely store the information you use and create – including your assignment drafts, your references, and any images or data you use.

Becoming a graduate Student

Information about some of the transferable academic practices you will need as a graduate student: time management, reading techniques, self-direction, critical thinking and academic writing.

Managing your digital presence

Guidance in understanding your digital practices, developing a digital identity, using social media for academic networking, and digital wellbeing and security.

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