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for Master's

Getting started with CamGuides for Master's

A pathway through a forest, beautifully lush greens with dappled sunlight

Where should I start?

There's no right or wrong way to work with CamGuides for Master's students. You can work through the whole resource, or select only what seems relevant to you. Both approaches are completely valid.

Students requested some 'pathways' to find their way quickly to useful and relevant information in CamGuides. The 'FOCUS ON' pages in the menu are each related to a theme - core practices, staying organised, studying, resources, and technology and they will help you as you start out in Cambridge.

We would be happy to devise additional pathways to meet students' needs; if you'd like to request one, please contact us via email at

Image credits

CC0 by Zack Silver via Unsplash

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