for Master's
Your online or digital identity refers to how you behave online, what content you place online, both in open and closed spaces e.g. both social media and in a closed forum on a virtual learning environment. The management of your online identity (sometimes called a 'personal brand') requires skill and nuance, and the extent to which you intend to manage this is entirely a personal choice.
However, your actions and speech online, and in particular how they might be perceived by others, will have implications for your future employment and when applying for further study. This is especially the case in certain professions and areas of study. It is also not clear that those who find your content and contributions online will care whether your online presence is intended as professional or personal.
There is plenty of advice available about how to behave in a digital environment, and some resources are given below. Here, though are some brief tips for you in posting content online as a graduate student.
Image credits
CC0 by Kira auf der Heide via Unsplash
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