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for Master's

CamGuides: Managing your Digital Presence

Key messages from 'Managing your Digital Presence'

a person writing a check list in a notebook

This section has provided you with information to help you to understand and be aware of some of the ways in which your digital practices - what you do online - can impact your professional and academic identity. The key messages are:

  • Social media can be used effectively for a variety of academic purposes - to connect with others working in your field, to learn about new ideas and research, and more. The extent of this is often determined by your subject.
  • It's important that you understand how to operate safely online, in terms of security and privacy, as well as your wellbeing, taking downtime from social media where necessary.

Useful links from this section

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Image credits

image: CC0 by Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash; Icon: CC-BY by Those Icons via Flat Icon

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