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Cambridge LibGuides

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Trinity Hall: Library Introduction: Academic skills

An introduction to using the Jerwood Library

In this guide you'll find:

  • Information on using libraries for new Cambridge students
  • Resources and training to develop your academic skills

Academic skills

Academic skills A brilliant guide by the Wolfson College Library team to help you get the most from information resources and develop your academic skills. Browse the themes below to find tips and tools relevant to your stage of study or research.

Referencing Guides to how to reference for your subject

Avoiding plagiarismAn online tutorial on good academic practice & avoiding plagiarism

Research skills: Online course for Cambridge researchers about publishing, managing data, finding and disseminating research.

Reading on screens Tips on making reading from screens easier

Time management

Working remotely


Camguides logoCamGuides is a set of resources for students beginning courses at Cambridge. There are three separate versions:

CamGuides is designed to help you prepare for your time at Cambridge. Two particularly useful sections are:

Finding things on a reading list

Referencing and avoiding plagiarism

Any questions?

Please contact us if you need assistance with anything from how to find stuff to how to reference. We'll do our best to help!

Tel: +44 1223 332546 or 764464

Office hours

9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday

Library inductions

The University Library (UL)

We recommend that you have a tour of the University Library (the UL), which are offered throughout Michaelmas term. You can book for either an Interactive induction or an orientation tour from the training booking site.

Subject Library

Your faculty or departmental library will all offer inductions during the first week or two of your course. You should definitely take up this opportunity where it's offered. Not only will it help you to become familiar with the library space, how the books are arranged;and the library staff, but you'll also get the chance to find out what support and guidance is available to you through the library.

For an overview of Cambridge libraries check out the Library Essentials guide  (link opens in new window)  which contains a video of libraries, using iDiscover, borrowing books, using Leganto reading lists; and information on eresources and accessibility.

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