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Trinity Hall: Library Introduction: Home

An introduction to using the Jerwood Library


Welcome to your library! The Jerwood Library is for all current members of Trinity Hall.  You will need your University card to access the library and to borrow books. It is a friendly and supportive place to study with beautiful views of the river.

Mezzanine window seat. Student sitting crossed legged on seat reading book

The mezzanine

Introductory videos

What does the Library offer you? Find out basic information on the services and facilities provided in the Jerwood Library.

Explore the Jerwood Library building with this virtual tour


Library rules The Jerwood library rules of use

Opening hours

Mon-Sun: 24 hour opening

Any questions?

Tel: +44 1223 332546 or 764464

Office hours

9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday

Recommend a book

We welcome your book suggestions! Just complete the online recommendation form.

You can also request a scanned chapter of a book from the Jerwood using this form.

Using other Cambridge libraries

There are over 100 libraries to explore across Cambridge. Current students can use and borrow from the majority of these. But College libraries are restricted to current members of the College.

A Welcome to Cambridge Libraries video is available.

Library Essentials guide (link opens in new window) : video of libraries, iDiscover, borrowing, Leganto reading lists; eresources, accessibility

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