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Study Skills

Good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism

An online tutorial on good academic practice & avoiding plagiarism

Referencing tools

There are a number of tools you can use to help you manage your references and cite in your preferred subject style. 

Mendeley and Zotero are free. They are installed on the Managed Cluster Service (Windows, Mac and Linux computers that are available for use in colleges, departments and computer rooms around the University) but you can also download them or access them online.

Endnote 20 can be downloaded by University of Cambridge staff and students (Raven account required). Endnote Web  (link opens in new window) is a cloud-based reference manager, registering using a University-networked computer is the fastest way to ensure easy registration. You will need to use your University email address to sign up.

Click on the images below to see a guide on each piece of software.

Reference Management Guides - click on the arrow to move the boxes; click on the image to read the guide (links open in new window)

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