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Reference Management: Zotero: Zotero Overview

Introduction to Zotero

Zotero is a reference manager that can help you organise your research and collaborate with others.

With Zotero, you can:

  • Create and manage citations of books, articles, videos, and more
  • Import citations from many databases
  • Extract metadata from imported PDFs
  • Collaborate with other researchers 
  • Insert references into Word

It takes a lot of the hard work out of formatting references, leaving you more time for writing and less time stressing about the punctuation.

Everything you need to get started with Zotero can be downloaded from

Quick download and installation guidance.

The following video was created by librarians in the Faculty of Education. The video uses APA as an example of a referencing style, but Zotero supports multiple styles and you can choose your preferred style during the set up process. The Education Library also have a Zotero Guide.  

Zotero video tutorial

Video contents


Adding items to your Zotero Library

Creating references

Video Transcript

Who can I contact for support?

Contact your faculty or college librarian, a list of Cambridge libraries can be found on the Libraries Directory

Zotero Training Sessions

A number of libraries offer Zotero training, and more information, including booking links is available here

Zotero Add-ons


ZotFile is a Zotero plug-in to help manage your attachments - rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader, and extract annotations from PDFs.


Use Bookmarklet to save items to your online Zotero library on mobile devices or browsers without the Zotero connector installed.

Better BibTeX

An extension for Zotero that helps manage bibliographic data. This is especially useful for people writing documents using text based toolchains such as BibTeX.

See a full list of available plug-ins on the Zotero support pages.

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