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Study Skills

Good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism

An online tutorial on good academic practice & avoiding plagiarism

Referencing styles

Referencing in most subjects takes the form of a citation at a relevant point in the text and at the end of the piece of work. The format or style used for citing resources (e.g. Harvard, MHRA, MLA, Vancouver etc.) varies between subjects.  Find out how your department prefers you to cite and reference by checking departmental handbooks, asking your supervisor and looking at the Reference Management LibGuide

Cite them Right gives you referencing examples for a huge range of resources. As well as including books and journal articles, it shows you how to cite materials which may be specific to your discipline such as legal materials, media, art, unpublished reports, and government publications. You can choose which format/style (e.g. Harvard, MLA etc) you wish to cite in. You can also access it from iDiscover or the A-Z database list.

To help you generate references, as well as CIte them Right, there are two freely available tools you could try:

  • Zoterobib lets you add a title, ISBN, DOI, PMID or URL to quickly generate a formatted reference or bibliography. You can easily change reference style too. You don't need to create an account; just create and export it straight to your work. The unique link will let you return to it later or share with someone else.
  • EasyBib is another free tool that lets you create references to copy and paste into your work.

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