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Study Skills

Good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism

An online tutorial on good academic practice & avoiding plagiarism


This is necessary to capture your research in writing. Use it to show your understanding of an argument. You can use summary to show the key outcomes of a study or show a specific approach taken by a researcher.

Tips for summarising

  • Read and think – what is this telling me – (in the fewest possible words)?
  • Write it in your own words. Be brief!
  • Record key details of each source used: put an in text reference close to the summary and list full details in the references at the end of your work.

Generally in each paragraph of an article a point is developed. If you link three or four such points together you have an ‘argument’. Using summary with strong quotation forms the basis of good writing.

Test your understanding of summarizing

Reading the information above, do you think the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Click on the statement to reveal the answer

TRUE. You need to acknowledge anyone else's work.

TRUE. An in-text reference should be included together with the summary, with the full details included in the references at the end.

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