There are 3 main ways to add items into your Zotero library:
Whichever way you add an item into Zotero, it is important to check that everything has come through correctly. It is recommended that you check all the information as soon as you add an item into Zotero, whilst you have all of the information to hand.
The browser connector is a plug-in that connects your web browser with Zotero. The icon changes based on the item type that is being recognised by Zotero.
From the item you would like to add, simply click the icon to add it to your library. You can add everything from books in iDiscover, journal articles found in databases, webpages, blog posts, and many more!
When you click on the icon, the connector will automatically save your item into the last collection that you had open in Zotero. You can can change this by clicking on the down arrow within the dialogue box then 'more' to show more collections. You can then add it into any one of your collections in your library.
It is important to check that the item type is correct. If necessary, edit by clicking on the item type and selecting another item type from the list, you may then need to add additional information to your record.
When you know the ISBN of a book or the DOI of an item, the quickest way to add this source to Zotero is via the 'wand' option.
In some cases Zotero will not be able to find a match. You will then need to search for the item online or enter the details manually.
then select the relevant item type from the list.
Remember to consult the relevant page of our Referencing Guide to check which components are needed for each item type, to ensure that you complete all the relevant sections of the bibliographic template (right hand side of the entry in your Zotero library).
Additional information added to the bibliographic detail section on the right hand side:
Each section should only contain the specific information in the section title, therefore you may need to remove any unwanted information that may have been added (e.g. author information in the title section, place of publication or dates in the publisher section).
Incorrect formatting of elements:
Role for the creator of the work
You can change the information category for the elements of your reference, for example the role of the creator, by clicking on the down arrow.
Check that the role you need to enter is correct, for example the editor heading may need to be changed to an author heading.
Another common formatting error is the surname and forename/initials appearing in the same box where the format should be Surname in first box then initials or forenames in the second box. To edit just click in the boxes.
Item type
Titles often come across in capitals, to change this to sentence case, right click on the title within the right hand column and then select 'sentence case'.
Top Tip
Remember to consult the relevant page of our Referencing Guide to check which components are needed for each source type and how to format them.
By far the quickest and most accurate way to add a book/ebook into your Zotero library is to find the ISBN. If you don't have the book in front of you, search iDiscover to find the ISBN.
You can add an ISBN into Zotero through the 'wand' option (second icon in middle toolbar).
The wand option won't work for all ISBNs. If Zotero doesn’t recognise your ISBN, try to find the book record in iDiscover and from here you can add the book into your Zotero library using the browser connector (the icon will change to a blue book or a yellow folder if multiple items are detected).
Add the URL to the URL field to convert the record into an ebook. The permalink from iDiscover is the recommended URL to use, as it has no access restrictions to view the record.
Add a separate entry for a chapter(s) if the chapter(s) has a named author(s). This is the case for both edited and authored books.
The easiest way to add a book chapter is to add the book itself as a whole and then create a 'book section', which is Zotero’s term for a book chapter.
Ensure you check the book record to make sure that you have an accurate record to work with before creating your 'book section'.
To create a book section from a book, right click on the book record then click 'Create Book Section'. There will be some extra fields to complete and the icon will change to an open book to indicate it is a book section.
There will be some extra fields that come up that need to be filled in.
When adding articles from databases using the browser connector, Zotero will automatically download the full-text PDF if it is available.
If the PDF does not come across from the record page (on the database results list) then you will need to navigate to the article itself and then click on the browser connector at that point (the icon is a white piece of paper with lines on for an article).
When you click on the icon, the browser connector will tell you whether Zotero has detected a PDF or if it is bringing in the link to a database record.
PDF included from the article page:
The Browser connector will not always detect the correct item type and will often save a source as a website when another more appropriate item type needs to be selected (blog post, report etc).
Click on the item type (in the right hand column) and select from the options in the drop down menu.
Top Tip
Remember to consult the relevant page of our Referencing Guide to check which components are needed for each source type and how to format them.
Please see our help sheet below for more detailed guidance on adding social media sources into Zotero.
If you already have a PDF there are 2 ways to quickly add these into your Zotero library.
*This may not work for all PDFs. If it doesn’t, you will need to search for the item elsewhere online and add it using the browser connector. The icon will be a white sheet of paper with lines on it for an article or a blue sheet with 2 lines at the bottom for a website. You will then need to check the source type and change it accordingly in Zotero; for example change to a blog, report etc.
PDFs can also be added to existing items in your Zotero library using the drag and drop option and positioning the cursor on the relevant item in the middle pane or by selecting an item then clicking on 'Attach File'
Sources that you have not accessed online may need to be added manually. As always, remember to consult the relevant page of the Referencing Guide to check which components are needed for each item type, to ensure that you complete all of the relevant sections of the bibliographic template (right hand side of the entry in your Zotero library).
One such source would be photographs or art work that you have viewed (if you have accessed these online you can use the browser extension and change the item type as needed).
See our help sheet below for more detailed guidance on adding these sources into Zotero.
For republished works (in APA 7th) you will need to provide the original publication date as well as the republication date (the date for the source you are using).
For your reference list provide the year of original publication at the end of the reference in round brackets with the prefix 'Original work published'
For your in-text citation both publication dates appear, with the earlier year first, separated with a slash.
Zotero will format this for you by adding Original-date: YYYY in the Extra column
Reference list: Brontë, C. (1999). Jane Eyre. Wordsworth.(Original work published 1847)
Parenthetical citation: (Brontë,1847/1999)
Narrative citation: Brontë (1847/1999)
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