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Education Library: Zotero

Creating notes in your Zotero library

Zotero can be used to annotate and take notes from your research materials keeping them all together in one place.

Zotero has several note options

  • Manually added notes
    • There are two types - ‘child notes’ that are connected to a specific item in your library and ‘standalone notes’ that are not connected to an item in your library
  • Create notes from websites
  • Extract annotations and comments from PDFs

Manually add notes

  • Click on the ‘Add note' icon in the top toolbar in the middle (yellow piece of paper with a green plus icon) 
  • If you have selected a specific item in your library, you can choose between ‘Add a Child Note’ to attach to a specific item or a ‘Standalone Note’ to give the note a separate listing in your library

  • A free text field will appear in the right hand column

Create notes from websites

  • Highlight the text you want to copy into a note. Right-click (ctrl-click on a Mac)
  • Click on the Zotero option (Firefox - ‘Zotero Connector’ & Chrome - ‘Save to Zotero’)
  • Click on ‘Create Zotero Item and Note from Selection’

Extract annotations and comments from PDFs

Highlighted passages and annotations can be saved as a Zotero note, keeping all your notes in one place. They can be used with the Word/GoogleDoc plug in, enabling you to add the notes directly to your document.

To extract highlighted passages:

  • Open up the PDF within Zotero which should open in a new tab (double click on the entry in your Zotero library)
  • Click the highlight option (the first icon in the toolbar in the middle, which looks like a pen)
  • Select the section you want

  • Return to the Zotero library tab
  • Right click (ctrl-click on a Mac) and click on ‘Add Note from Annotations’

  • Your selected text will now be saved as an annotation and will include the citation needed to include this in your work

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