What and where are they?
How to create them
Deleting individual items - right click/control-click on the item
Deleting collections - right click/control-click on the collection
Don't delete duplicated items, use the 'Merge' function instead (see the guidance on managing duplicates)
Top Tip
When adding an item using the browser connector, the item will automatically be saved into the last collection that you had open in Zotero. You can change this by clicking on the down arrow within the dialogue box to show all your collections, then select the location you need.
What and where are they?
How to create them
Top Tip
If you are using tags to organise your library, it is recommended that you uncheck 'Automatically tag items with keywords and subject headings'. This is so you can remove Zotero-generated tags and instead create your own tags to suit your needs (navigate to the General tab in the Zotero preferences)
Further information on how to use tags can be found on the Zotero support pages: Collections and Tags
Items in your Zotero library are sorted by various fields and arranged in columns (default fields are: Title, Creator and Attachments).
Additional fields can be added by right-clicking on a column header and then selecting the required field from the drop-down menu.
Clicking on a column header will sort your items by that field, e.g. clicking on Title will sort your items alphabetically by title.
Clicking on the same column header again will change the ascending and descending order.
Zotero can help you identify possible duplicates and then merge them. Don't delete duplicated items, instead use the 'Merge' function so that:
Finding duplicates
Click on the 'Duplicate Items' collection in the left hand pane (after all your named collections).
Zotero will show all detected duplicates in the centre pane (Zotero currently uses the the title, DOI, and ISBN fields to determine duplicates).
Matches need to be checked as there may be non-duplicates included. It is not currently possible to mark false positive matches as non-duplicates therefore these items will appear as duplicates each time you click on the 'Duplicate Items' collection.
Merging duplicates
Top Tip
Sorting items by 'Title' can make it easier to view items
Zotero offers a limited amount of free storage (300MB) however this can be used up if you have a lot of large attachments.
What to do if my storage runs out?
There is the option to increase your storage by purchasing a storage plan
You can remove any attachments that you do not need by logging on to your web library via the website version of Zotero.
From your Web Library any attachments are shown at the end of each entry in the middle column. Then in the right hand column, navigate to 'Attachments' then click on the 'Delete Attachment' option
If you are running out of storage space, it is also recommended to uncheck 'Automatically attach associated PDFs' in the 'General' tab of the Zotero settings.
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