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Education Library: Zotero

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a powerful, open source database package which enables you to organise, store and search references and abstracts of research literature. It can save you a lot of time when writing assignments or papers, allowing you to input citations directly into a Word document, and to create a bibliography without having to type out all the references. You can use it to access and download selected references directly from online bibliographic databases or library catalogues.

Top Tip
It's important to manage your references as soon as you start your research rather than trying to organise them all at the end! 

Quick guide to Zotero

Video contents


Adding items to your Zotero Library

Creating references

Video Transcript

Older version: Zotero 6

This guide supports Zotero version 7 (2024), if you are using the older version 6 please note that some of the instructions and screenshots may not be the same. 


Guidance on using Zotero 6 can be found in the Zotero 6 tab at the bottom of this guide.

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