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Education Library: Zotero

Zotero group libraries

Zotero's Groups is a collaborative tool that enables Zotero users to share their references and join other group libraries on various topics.

Personal and group libraries are entirely separate, and changes made to items in one library do not affect the other. However, you can move and copy items between your libraries.

Zotero group libraries can be found underneath your 'My Library' in the left hand pane. 

Top Tip
You must log in to the website to create or join a group.


Types of groups

Groups can be public (anyone can join) or private (invite only). 

Joining a group

To join a public group, search the Zotero's group library search

To join a private group you need to be invited by the group owner.

Creating a group

  • Go to the website
  • Log into your Zotero account  
  • Select 'Groups' from the toolbar
  • Click on 'Create a New Group'

  • Choose a unique name for your group 
  • Choose the type of group you are creating: Private, Public Open or Public Closed. Note that any PDFs stored within a Group library will count against the storage limit of the owner of that Group library (bear this in mind if you choose to create an open group where anyone can contribute)

Managing group settings

From the Group library page on the website you can:

  • Manage Members: send out invites or change roles of existing group members
  • Manage Library: change group type, reading rights, editing rights

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