Zotero has a plug in for Word and Google Docs. The plugin adds a Zotero toolbar so that you can add citations to your document and create your reference list as you write. The Zotero desktop app needs to be open for this to work.
This plug in is added during the installation process. Word should have been closed at the time of installation.
The toolbar looks different on different devices and word processors.
Word Toolbar
Top Tip
The Word plugin may not install correctly if Word was open at the time you installed Zotero. To fix this:
- Close Word and navigate to Zotero preferences (Edit option in Windows and the Zotero option in MacOS)
- Select the 'Cite' tab
- Then the 'Word Processors' tab
- Click ‘Install Microsoft Word Add-in'
Google Docs Toolbar
The Google Docs plug in is part of the Zotero browser connector and the first time you use the Zotero plug in you may be asked to make sure that the Google Docs integration is enabled. Further details can be found on the Zotero support pages: Using Zotero with Google Docs
Top Tip
The first time you add a citation to a document, you will be asked to choose a citation style (choose the correct style from the list and click OK). You can change bibliographic styles with the "Document Preferences" button.
Here you can:
Top Tip
If you spot any errors in your citation or an entry in your reference list, edit these within your Zotero library and hit Refresh in the toolbar (this will apply any changes made to all instances of the citation as well as the reference list entry). Changes made manually to a document will be overwritten the next time you add a citation using the plug in.
At the end of your paper, click the 'Add/Edit Bibliography' button. Your bibliography will appear, and new citations will be added automatically in the correct order.
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