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Technology Libraries

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Technology Libraries: Teaching

Image of lecture theatre with students listening to a teacher at front of class

Throughout each academic term, our Technology Libraries team offers a full teaching programme. Keep an eye on our News page for details of the current teaching we offer, delivery times and booking options. Below you will find a list of the resources we use for our teaching sessions.

Managing Your Data | Organise your data effectively, plan for data sharing and understand the expectations on you to manage data responsibly.

Image of Hub Library lightbulb with title of session in white on black background

Poster Like A Pro | Perfect for STEMM students needing to plan, design, edit and present a conference poster.

Academic Integrity | Learn about the ethical considerations of your research by investigating some case study scenarios..

Image of library shelves with title of session in white on black background

Reference Like A Pro | An overview of referencing with a focus on the tools and resources available to help save you time.

Cover slide featuring West Hub lightbulb with session title in white text

Present Like a Pro | Ideal for anyone who needs to give an in-person presentation as part of their work or study.

Science Communication

Science Communication | Learn about key terms and models of Science Communication, how it can benefit you and wider society, and how to get started. 

Screen grab of opening slide showing the title Your Online Profile and background image of @ symbol

Your Online Profile | Develop your online profile with ORCiD, Elements, Google Scholar and academic social networks.

Screen grab of blue cover slide with image of book and session title text in white

Publishing in Journals | Understand the publication process, plan a publication strategy and learn where you access help and support.

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