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for Master's

CamGuides: Welcome to Cambridge

Key messages from 'Welcome to Cambridge'

a person writing a check list in a notebook

This section of CamGuides has provided you with information to help you settle into your new university, and your new city, with confidence. The key messages included:

  • Cambridge is a brilliant place to live and study, and while you'll get your bearings in Cambridge once you've arrived, you can research the city before you arrive.
  • There are well over a hundred libraries in Cambridge - it's worth exploring the websites of at least your college library, your subject library, and the University Library before coming to Cambridge.
  • Getting an overview of the support available to you as a University of Cambridge student is a good use of your time - lots of information is provided on the Useful websites page.
  • Enjoy getting to know people and making the most of the City facilities

Useful links from this section

Your feedback

If you have any questions, or any feedback about CamGuides for Master's, we'd really like to hear from you.

Please contact us via email - and thank you!

Image credits

image: CC0 by Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash; Icon: CC-BY by Those Icons via Flat Icon

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