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for Master's

CamGuides: Welcome to Cambridge

The city of Cambridge

There is so much going on in Cambridge, both from an academic and a social perspective. From guest lectures and reading groups through to theatre, beautiful gardens, art galleries, and sports, there is no shortage of things to do.

You'll have lots of different activities you want to get involved in and there is a 'Fresher's Fair' each October which is worth a visit to see all the Societies you can get involved in from Sport, to African Society, to BlueSci and many more!

From a practical perspective, you'll also find Cambridge well-equipped with supermarkets, banks, bike shops, and places to eat, and the train station gives you easy access to London and many other places.

The Graduate Union website gives plenty of information about exploring Cambridge as a graduate student, but here are some key pieces of information about living in the city.


Whether you come to Cambridge as a book lover, a sports lover, a gardens lover, an arts lover, you'll find Cambridge caters very specifically to you.

- MPhil International Development student

Key information about living in Cambridge


You may be wondering what it costs to live and study in Cambridge. The University provides helpful information and advice

Image credits

CC-BY by James Appleton via University of Cambridge Admissions Office

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