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for Master's

CamGuides: Welcome to Cambridge

University structure

Queen's College and punters on the river CamThe structure of University of Cambridge is unlike most other universities. It comprises:

  • 31 autonomous colleges, which are integral to the life of the University, and where many students live, eat and socialise. To be a student at the University, you must also be a member of a college.
  • Faculties and Departments, which organise subject teaching, and are grouped into six Schools. Although undergraduate students recieve some supervisions within their college, most postgraduate teaching will be organised centrally in your department. 



The one thing I was really not expecting was how much your college will influence your life. Whenever you meet people, you tell them which college you went to.

- MPhil (Part III) Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

College life

Each of the 31 colleges has its own unique character and traditions, and it's likely that you'll become very attached to your college during your studies. All colleges within the university accept graduate students, including a few which only accept postgraduates or students over the age of 21. While the University provides teaching and research supervision for graduate students, your college will provide support in the form of a tutor who can help you navigate University systems, health and wellbeing support teams, and other pastoral support.

Most colleges are able to offer accommodation to postgraduate students; this means that your college may end up being where you eat, sleep, and socialise with fellow students across different subjects, particularly at the start of the year while you settle in. Colleges have their own societies, clubs, and facilities, and many also have their own cafe/bar spaces. 

Useful links

Image credits

CC0 by linsusan1963 via Pixabay

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