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Emmanuel College Library: Study spaces

Study spaces

The Library has a range of different study spaces:

  • The Reading Room (the Fane Room) has study desks and comfortable armchairs by the windows. The David Williams Room has one study desk seating eight.
  • The first, second and third floors each have nine individual desks for private study. On the first and second floor, one desk each has a docking station with a second screen.
  • The computer room (first floor) contains 6 networked PCs, one with an additional monitor screen, and a printer.
  • The Wates Room (second floor) has armchairs for relaxing, and a water machine.
  • The McDonald Room (third floor) is a bookable conference room for group study or video calls. To book, contact the Library staff or use the calendar outside the room.
  • The fourth floor has large desks, each seating six, with some comfortable armchairs.
  • The third floor has the Quiet Pod, a sound-dampening booth which you can use for online meetings or phone calls. To book, get in touch or scan the QR codes in the library. (returning in September)

Library lockers

If you would like to store your coat, bag, or other items in a locker, you can borrow a locker key for 24 hours. The lockers are on the ground floor next to the main staircase. Just borrow and return the locker key like a book using the self-service machine.

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