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Accessibility and inclusivity: Cambridge libraries toolkit


This page contains contact information for individuals and organisations in and outside of libraries at Cambridge, who are involved in working with and supporting people with disabilities.

Cambridge University Libraries Accessibility Services

The Libraries Accessibility Service (Raven protected page) is a new service established in November 2020. It is administered by a team of two staff: the Accessibility Services Manager and the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

The service will work across the Cambridge library network to ensure that library users have equal access to services and resources regardless of their accessibility needs.

Amongst other activities, the new team will be taking over responsibility for sourcing accessible alternate formats of resources held in the libraries for disabled students and researchers.

If you would like to get in touch with us to request an accessible format, or to discuss anything related to libraries and accessibility, please email You can also point library users to this email address if they have any questions or requests.

Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre

The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre is made up of expert staff who advise and work with students at Cambridge who have disclosed having a disability to the University.

Click here to contact the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre using a web form

Telephone (main office): +44 (0)1223 332301


Address: Student Services Centre, Bene't Street, Cambridge, CB2 3PT

Click here to find the Disability Resource Centre on the University Map

Current students contacting the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre for the first time should fill out the Student Information Form. Click here to access the Student Information Form.

Cambridge Students' Union Disabled Students' Officer

The Cambridge Students' Union (Cambridge SU) Disabled Students' Officer (DSO) is one of the six sabbatical officers in the Students' Union, and the head of the Cambridge SU Disabled Students' Campaign. They are elected by disabled students to serve a year's term in the Students' Union. Their job is focused around campaigning for structural change within the University, and advocating for disabled students as a whole within it, including on University committees.


Part of Cambridge SU's job is coordinating communication between college and faculty student representatives, so if students and staff want to get in touch to use those networks - or to reach out to the disabled students community more widely - the Cambridge SU DSO is a good person to contact.



Estates Management - Disability and Access Compliance Manager

University libraries considering the accessibility of their building and spaces should contact the Estates Management Disability and Access Compliance Manager, using the contact details below:

Email or


Disability & Access Compliance Manager 
University of Cambridge 

Estate Management 
Greenwich House

Madingley Road 


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