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In recent years, library staff have become more involved than ever in making pre-recorded videos for library users as well as delivering synchronous training through video.
It’s important to make sure that any videos that we create are accessible by disabled library users. Remember that creating accessible video benefits all users. Some people might watch your video in a quiet library and need to turn off sound and read captions, or in a noisy family home or on any number of different devices. All users benefit from accessible video design.
The best way to ensure your video is accessible is to plan accessibility in from the start. It’s harder to make an inaccessible video accessible once it has been produced.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) include requirements for ‘time-based media’, i.e. video and audio. The most relevant section is Guideline 1.2 Time-based media, but other sections include relevant guidelines:
Currently the main sources of advice on accessible video within the University are:
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides an excellent and highly practical guide to making accessible audio and video which references the relevant WCAG standards. The guide advocates building in accessibility from the start of the planning process and covers:
Birkbeck for all also has a very practical tutorial on accessible video creation covering creating videos, media players, subtitles/captions, transcripts and audio description.
If you upload videos to YouTube you can take advantage of automatic captioning, upload a caption file or create captions manually. The captions will display on the video whether it is viewed in YouTube or embedded on a website.
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