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Jesus College: Using the Library

Using the Library

Students studying on a curved desk with bookcases behindThe best way to get to know the library and learn how to make the most of its resources is through a library induction.

You'll be invited to a library induction when you first join the College as a student, but you can arrange another at any time, or if you are a current member of Jesus College: staff, academic or fellow, by emailing us at We also have a self-guided Library Quest, which takes you round the library and you can do at your own speed.

You will learn about the academic skills Sarah our Assistant Librarian (Academic Services) can support you with, the wellbeing sessions that Diana our Assistant Librarian runs every Wednesday during termtime, and the nature walks Rhona our Librarian can take you round the College grounds.

There's a guide to using the library, also available in hard copy in the library foyer.

There is a map of the college grounds on the website, which shows you how to find the entrance to the Quincentenary Library.

Below, you'll find maps of each floor of the Quincentenary Library, or there is a hand-out map in the library foyer.

Accessing the library

The entrance to the library is on the College's main site, via Library Court. 

To use the library and take out books, you'll need your University card with a barcode which you will be given when you join the College. If you lose your access card please contact the Porters’ Lodge to get a replacement.

Finding and borrowing books

You can borrow up to 15 items from the library for 28 days (undergraduates, postgraduates, fellows and staff). These books will autorenew until the end of the academic year unless recalled by another user.

The online catalogue for the University is called iDiscover. The catalogue can be accessed from any electronic device. Using your University login, you can also gain access to more online resources available on campus via the University website.

The library uses the Bliss Classification System: the alphabetical classmarks are arranged clockwise down through the library, starting with A in the top corner of the building and finishing with Z on the ground floor. You'll find notices next to the shelves explaining how the system works.

Please note that items listed as Jesuan Collection, Old Library or Archives are not held in the Quincentenary Library; you need to contact the appropriate department.

Working in the library

Please be considerate of others and follow the library rules, which you can also find in the Library Guide in the library foyer.

You can bring in your own laptop computer to work on in the library; there are plenty of power points available, as well as internet access points.

Library access for non-members

Jesus College members aren't allowed to bring in friends, family or members of other colleges without prior arrangement with the librarian. Please ensure when you enter the library that no one follows you in. If you need help accessing the library, there is a doorbell to the left of the entrance, which will be answered during staffed hours.

If you're a former student, you may use the library after contacting the Librarian at You will receive a temporary access card from the Porters' Lodge to gain access to the building, but you won't be able to borrow any items.

If you're a member of another College, you won't be allowed general access to the library or borrowing rights, but you can make an appointment with the Librarian to consult one of our items.

Members of the public aren't allowed general access to the library, but if you'd like to visit, you can make an appointment by contacting the librarian.

If you have any other questions about using the library, drop us an email or speak to one of the library staff.

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